Day 18 - 4:10pm

39 5 2

How is the tea?

Good thanks.



Are we going to talk or did something happen?

I don't know anymore.

Alright seriously, my phone fell into my bath ok? I was not ignoring you, in fact I was trying really hard to find a way to make it work again.


Don't laugh. You can't laugh.

I'm just imagining you running back and forth with a dripping phone asking everyone how to fix it.

To some degree, that is exactly what happened.

Alright. Well I had a shitty couple of days.

Please, explain.

Really? You want to know, it's not just you wanting to shut me up.

We have been talking for two weeks, I think you might be my friend at this point.

Awe, really?

Just talk.

Right. Well you know how I tried to go see you and well, car trouble mixed with my own incompetence halted that pretty fast.

Yes, and?

Well when I got back the douche was waiting for me. Sitting on my front step like some sorry mess, he was drunk and whining.

Oh god.

Exactly, so what does nice little Jules do? She hoists him up and brings him inside to dry out.

Bad plan.

Oh I know. He made a move on me, too drunk to have a chance, and then proceeds to threaten my dad. My missing dad.

What a bastard.

I know! ... You aren't just humouring me are you?

No, if I had been there I would have tossed him back to the curb.

Well I'm not so smart. I let him sleep on my couch, locked my room, went to sleep.

God, you set yourself up there you know.

Shut up, I know. I'm an idiot. I get it.

Well this isn't the dumbest thing you've ever done.


There was the kidnapping.

I didn't do that.

No but again, you set yourself up.

I don't know how to be a proper adult, I have lived a sheltered life. Excuse me for thinking that most people have some human decency.

Your excused.

Not funny.

What did blackmail boy do?

He tried to do something, failed epically if I do say so my self.

That's good at least.

I missed you.

Uh, thank you?

You don't have to sound so confused.

Alright but we never met. Ever. How can you miss me?

Talking to you. Letting my worries float away to the sound of your grumpy voice.

I'm not always grumpy Jules.

I think I know that. I think you just push everyone away and scare them the second they get close. I think you actually have a nice heart.

I think your high.

Don't ruin my moment. I'm half serious.


Well I do think you are nicer than you want to be.

When did this become about me? Weren't we talking about blackmailer boy?

He accomplished nothing except to scare me, you however, have wormed your way into my heart.


I realized this while we didn't talk, I missed you far more than being acquaintances accounts for.

Well I think you count as a friend now.

I think you do too.

This is weird.

Tell me about it. I feel like if anything happens in my life I need to tell you, even when it doesn't matter.



I know this is some sort of heart to heart thing but I have to go.



It's ok, I'll call you tomorrow.

I'll answer.

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