Day 10 - 3:02am

32 5 3

Are you ok?

I... No... I'm...

Can I send help? Where are you?

Good question.

Mystery girl, I'm serious. Let me help you.

It's not so bad... I just... I was asking around China town and some guy grabbed me.

Who? Wait no, doesn't matter. Tell me later, get your self somewhere safe.

Working on it. I just... I'm having a bit of trouble staying awake.

Focus. Use my voice if it helps.

It is helping.

Good. What should I talk about?

Tell me about Trouble?

Well she's currently curled up asleep at the end of my cot.

Such a sweety.

She really is. I may dislike the slut that gave her to me but I really can't complain. She's good company.... You still there?

Yes... I think I can get up now.

Good, take it one step at a time.

One tilty step at a time.


Walking down the hallway... I think I'm going to be sick.

One step at a time.

Yes yes.


How's the slut blocking going?

You got kidnapped and drugged and your asking about her? Are you mental?

Oh probably but what does that matter... Oh god there's stairs.

You got this.

I do. I do. I do. I'm going to barf.

Your ok.

Thank you...

Mystery girl?

Jules actually.


My name, I figured if I die at least you know my name.

Riddle. At least that's what top hats always called me.

I'm still calling you Rockboy.


Yes, your my rock.

... That makes it better actually.

Did you think I was only making fun of you?


I'm not that harsh... Usually.

Gosh. Thanks.

Don't get snippy with me.

How goes the escape?

I'm outside now, just walking down a dark alley.

How are you feeling?

Cold air is great right now.




Thank you. For everything.


I can explain now if you want, I have time and I really don't want to be alone while making my way back to my hotel.

I guess.

Don't sound so excited.

I'm sorry but you just escaped some deranged kidnapper. Maybe you want to rest before you tell me everything?

I do but it's going to be a... Oh shoot. My battery is dying. I'm going to hang up, just to save it in case I need it again. I'll call you back later.

You better.

Thanks Rockboy.

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