Day 16 - 12:01pm

31 4 3


Where were you? I was getting worried you never wanted to talk to me again.

Don't be so dramatic.

Alright, but again, where were you?

You do realize it's been two days right?

Exactly, I missed our little chats.

Jules, my phone got wet and had to sit in some rice.

Oh... That's a lot less dramatic than I thought.


Well, anyways, I planned to go see you but since you weren't answering... I lost my nerve.

And did you get it back?

Why? You want to see me?

Just curious.

Right, well no. I have had so much excitement for the last two weeks, I think a nice cup of tea at home is in store for me.

And you avoided that for two days on my account?

Oh no, I have been drinking tea like my life depended on it.

Right, Jules I was sleeping so maybe if we could continue this another time?

You were sleeping? It's noon.

I see that.

Fine, night Rockboy.

Night Jules.

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