Day 18 - 4:25pm - long

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"I'll answer." Riddle promised into the phone and then quickly hung up before the girl could get a word in edgewise. He was breathing quickly and had nearly squashed the poor kitten in his lap. Nervousness was not a habit of his but lately every time Jules phoned he found himself agitated. But today's conversation had been on a whole new level.

They were friends, he had said that. In fact he had said it twice. Why was he putting it all out there for some girl who he had never met? Some girl that he had no idea what she looked like. Just because she was nice but not too nice. What did that say about him?

"Hey! Riddle, top hat has a new costume for you to see." The dipsticks voice came through the fabric walls of Riddle's tent and he sighed. He really didn't want a new costume, a part of him actually wanted Jules to see the one he wore right now before switching, which was a silly thought and completely out of ordinary for him.

Looking back at the phone he had resting in his lap he sighed again, this girl was actually interesting. Unlike so many who had tried before. Unlike so many who were still trying, his thoughts touched briefly on the girl who had given Trouble to him. She was rather boring and one dimensional as a person. She performed on the tightrope, and her whole like seemed to consist of practicing for it, getting new costumes, or asking Riddle to go out to town with her. Frankly he was fed up but dodging her was becoming easier, partially because he was actually running after Trouble all over the circus, partially because when he wasn't he could always say he was.

The kitten in question was curled up in his lap at the moment, looking adorable but Riddle knew she was just waiting for a good moment to terrorize the tent. She was a little shyster, using Jules words.

He wanted to meet Jules, in fact, when she had called to cancel coming he had been so disappointed his performance had actually suffered. Tips going down 20% at least. He lived off that money and couldn't afford to have something as simple as one person not showing up ruin his show. Yet here he sat, actually really upset that she wasn't going to try again. It wasn't like he had asked her to come or anything. In fact with her life of fiasco after fiasco he was honestly worried about her leaving her house. Jules got into just about as much trouble as Trouble the kitten did.

"Riddle!" Sounded from outside the tent and he gently picked up Trouble and headed out. The kitten had, as Jules had said, wormed her way into his heart. He was rarely found without her now, partially because she was nice company and partially because when she was with him she wasn't getting into trouble. She was a quiet little ball of fur that didn't really make a sound, just caused other things to make noise. Like the elephant, or the lion, or top hat finding her in his bath. Other things.

Looking at the busy circus he wondered if he should admit that he thought of Jules more than most of his other friends or if keeping this distance was a good idea. He didn't know why he hesitated. He also didn't know why it mattered.

Maybe by never seeing him face to face she actually saw more than anyone else bothered. The thought gave him a strange sense of satisfaction and an urgent need to tell her that. One he quickly ignored. He was not going to get all sappy over some girl. He was not going to be that guy who ran all the way to her house one night just because she asked. He was not that guy. He had a much cooler head on his shoulders. Or at least he tried to convince himself of that while Trouble nibbled on his finger.


Jules listened to the dial tone for a good half a minute before she found the energy to press the end call button. What was it about feelings that had boys running for cover? She wasn't stupid, she knew he was just making an excuse to hang up but she didn't call him out on it. Let him keep his dignity.

She twirled the pen in her hand, thinking. Telling him that he was important to her had seemed easy while they were on the phone, trying again seemed impossible. She sighed and set her head on the table. Earlier she had been writing a letter in the old traditional method of pen and paper. She wanted to leave a note if her dad came back while she was gone. Something about where she had gone but was drawing a complete blank. How does one tell their father that they went to see a boy? Especially when said father already ran off.

She wanted to try again but honestly she was worried that Riddle would think she was coming on to him. So instead she had opted to tell him how she was feeling. Bad mistake. One she couldn't take back now. She should have just gone to see him. And she would. Just as soon as she wrote this note.

"Jules?" She heard his voice first and frowned. Why was he still here? She had told him that he could leave without saying anything. She didn't want anything from him.

"What is it?" She said through the door and heard him chuckle on the other side.

"Can I just apologize?" He asked and she frowned while she opened the door.

"No, you can go. Thank you and bye." She said and made a shooing motion with her hand.

"Jules, I'm done playing." He said and grabbed her arm shoving her back. "Until you either agree to be with me, or your dad comes back. I'm staying. And so are you."

"Get away from me." She snapped but as the door slammed in her face she growled. Was he seriously planning to lock her in her own house!

As much as she didn't want to bug Riddle twice in one day, this was serious.


That was loooong, I'll do another long chapter at the very end :)

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