Chapter 2

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Just praying to a god that I don't believe in...Breakeven...The Script

Hello my beautiful penguins. Greetings. WHOOP WHOOP. Fast updates!! I love love loved writing this chapter I don't know why but whateverrr.

But whatever it is I think you will love love love it too. You will love it so much I had to put 3 WHOLE LOVES!! ;) lol yeah I know I'm geeky ;p

Kara's POV

"Listen Kara. This has been fun and all but life goes on. And so do I. I'm sorry Kara but I'm breaking up with you. I hope we can still be friends and all. And I have a new girlfriend. Its Missy. Your best friend. Yeah. Anyway. I have to go bye."

That's what Carter said. The words that have broken my heart. They keep repeating over and over in my head. They haunt me like a spirit that has unfinished business. And then it was like he was trying to hurt me. He made it a point to say he was dating Missy. Missy and I have been best friends since practically birth. I need to talk to her. I called her about 20 times and got no answer. That bitch!! I can not believe her. Best friend my ass!!

I haven't stopped crying. My moms just came home so they have not  noticed yet. Its almost 2am. They went out for a date night.

I tried to call Luke and his girlfriend picked up and told me to stop calling. I wish I could kill that bitch.

I need


I eventually cried myself to sleep last night. I really don't want to go to school. Ughh. Tuesday. Detention. Fuck! I'm not going to talk to Luke either. He wants to have his bitch pick up the phone to me. No! I wish I could get away just for today. Maybe I'll skip school..fuck it. That's what I'm going to do.

I get up eventually and get dressed. Gray sweater. My skinny jeans. Black converse. My hair is pulled back up into a messy bun. I make my way down the stairs and smell coffee. I grab some and sit at the table in complete silence. I just noticed I had no make up on and my face was naked. So I ran upstairs and quickly applied my usual amount of 'natural' looking make up. Then I grab my book bag and look as if I'm headed to school. I say

"Mom. I'm leaving love you bye."

"Ok hun. I won't be home when you get here. I'll be out until 8 tonight. And your dad will be with me. And love you too."

"K mom bye."

I hop into my car and check my phone and I have a missed called from Missy. She has some real nerve calling me after what I heard. And then she cdouldn't answer any of my 20 calls but she could call. No! It took all of my being to not go to her house and snap her neck. But oh how I wish I could. I have no clue where I am going I just need to drive. So I did.


I drove until I was out of town. I saw Luke on the side of the road alone. What the hell is he doing here?? I thought. So I pulled over and he noticed me and looked confused. I got out and sat down next to him. It was silent for a couple of minutes. He looked like he had been crying. He finally breaks the ice and says "What are you doing out here?" So I look at him and said "What are you doing out here?"

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