This is an Italian poem I've written on a specific moment of my life... That was the time I've notice how love is taking my freedom away...
La colpa
Non è colpa sua....
La colpa è soltanto mia...
Dentro di me scorre un fiume di angoscia
A dire il vero c'è un mondo intero
Dove la sofferenza domina ogni cosa
E questa sofferenza mi reprime.
Sono come un allodola dentro una gabbia
Una canzone che narra del Vero amore
Sono un maniaco senza speranza
L'amore è una drogaTranslation:
The Crime
It is not his fault...
The fault is only mine...
Inside me flows a river of anguish
Actually there's a whole world
Where suffering dominates everything
It represses me.
I'm like a bird in a cage
Dreaming .....
A song that tells about True Love
I'm a hopeless maniac
Love is a drug*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
He is like a drug... Leandro you are my one and only addiction...
Poems for my Leandro
PoetryThis is my personal collection of poems dedicated for my Leandro... For sure you're asking who is he... He is the one that gives me inspirations to write poems... He is like Beatrice of Dante Alighieri. He is a great man... I've chosen the name Lean...