Thunder and Lightning

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  • Dedicated to any one with a guilty conscience

Dark clouds blanket the sky

Blocking the sun and moon, night and day

Hurricane storms are raging, no one knows why

Temperatures fall down, down, down

Monsoon weather comes their way

In floods and tsunamis they drown, drown, drown

Everybody blames Nature

Blames the global warming

You should know

You should know

You should know

It's not Nature causing the storm

No not at all

You've brought this upon yourself

The thunder and the lightning

The thunder and the lightning

It's not gonna get any better

Until you've repented

Repented for your many sins

Don't you see

Can't you see

You've brought this down

The thunder and the lightning

The thunder and the lightning

Thunder and lightning

Blind and naive

That's what you are

You can't face the truth

Greed and selfishness has corrupted you

Nature is only fighting back

She'll blow you away

She'll wash you away

She'll freeze you to the ground

And it's all on you

It's not Nature causing this storm

Far from it

You're the cause for

You're the reason for

The thunder and the lightning

The thunder and the lightning

Sure the sun shines for a day or two

But let me tell you

It's not gonna last

Nature wants penance

She wants revenge

You've caused her pain

You've caused her harm

Now she's gonna do it to you

She'll break your leg or your arm

The thunder and the lightning

The thunder and the lightning

Don't you see

Don't you realise

You're the one, to pay the prize

The thunder and the lightning

The thunder and the lightning

They're coming for you

Thunder and lightning

Don't say I didn't warn you

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