Going Out Of My Mind (inspired by Fear)

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There's a full moon

The clock chimes twelve

I lie awake, afraid of seeing you

You haunt me

You torment me

You chase me

You never leave me alone

Dunno where you'll appear from

Outside, or maybe from nowhere at all

I wish that you would just leave me be

I'm going out of my mind

Out of my mind

Out of my mind

Of any noise I am terrified

Terrified it's you, coming to get me

Coming to get me and take me to Hell

I'm going out of my mind

Out of my mind

Out of my mind

I'm going out my mind

Why me

Why me

What did I do to you

What did I do to you

To make you come after me

Who are you really

Or what

Tell me before I go mad

I'm going out my mind

Out of my mind

Out of my mind

I think every little noise is you

I think the wind blowing is a harbinger you're near

I can't go anywhere without looking over my shoulder

I'm going out my mind

Out of my mind

Out of my mind

I'm going out of my mind

Losing my sanity

I'm going out of my mind

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