The Hand of Shadows

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  • Dedicated to The human race

My friend, come and listen to me

We see day and night as two seperate things

But these days they are not so different anymore

The darkness has seeped through the Earth's wounds 

The darkness has knocked at our door

It's colourless

It's odourless

Yet I can see

Yet I know that it's there

Why others can't, it's a mystery

We all talk of the supernatural

Of the supposed impossible

Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts, Zombies, Witches

When in reality

When in fact

We're nature's real bitches

We're the evil ones

Oh, way, oh

Fellow humans

Oh, woe, oh

Fellow man

Get your head out of the clouds

Stop shopping, working or getting a tan

Listen right now and listen good

The hand of the shadows has been formed

It's suffocating us all

The hand of the shadows

The hand of evil

The hand of glory

It's clamped down on us

Fiction is all wrong

Evil is not of magic

Evil is not the unexplained

You haven't got a clue

You should watch Scooby Doo

The villain isn't a monster

It's always a human


You know

Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror

I think

"Bloody hell why am I the way that I am

 I'm sitting here now

Staring at myself

Whilst somewhere else someone dies

Whilst somewhere else someone cries

Whilst somewhere else someone lies

What am I doing

What are we doing

If we're not careful

Nature will get us"

Look at you

Look at me

You can't see it

The darkness that grows

Oh, way, oh

Fellow humans

Oh, woe, oh

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