Keep Back, Casanova (Inspired by The Last Virgin Standing)

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Hello listeners (well, readers!) of my songs! This is the second song inspired by a book I like on Wattpad in this album. This story is inspired by The Last Virgin Standing by laughterandjynx. If you haven't read it already, I'll just give a short summary of what I know of the story.

Charlotte Summers is the last virgin at her school. There are five boys in for the title of Virginator. She is the tie-breaker but she is completely not interested; I seriously don't blame her! Can she come out of this with her honour . . . . or will one of those five boys somehow manage to get their hands on it? . . . . . Well, read the book and find out for yourselves!

laughterandjynx, good job on the book and thank you for giving me permission to write this song! I hope you -  and of course the rest of you  -  like it! Enjoy!

ThoraDesaga1, over and out!  )O(


School, a place of absolute boredom

A place where you're supposed to get wiser

However, the one I'm at is neither

It's a bear pit

It's a lions' den

It's a wolf cave

With five alphas on the prowl

Taking what they please with only one thing in mind

It was all a game

And everyone plaid along without shame



They began to chant in their heads

Veni, vidi, vici

I came, I saw, I conquered

Girls avoided them like the plague

But only I knew

I knew

It was no use

It was no good

They succumbed 

Till only I was left standing

Till only I was the one left unconquered

Till only I was the one left with the honour

"You're the tie-breaker", they said

No, I thought

No, I said

I won't do it

I won't be like that

Try as you might

You can say what you will

But I won't do it

I have more respect for myself than that

Keep back, Casanova

You can't have me

You can't take me

I'm not your princess

I'm not your pumpkin

I don't do fake

I am not yours to take

Keep back, Casanova

Stay away from me

You'll soon see

This kitten's got claws

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