Chapter 12

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Erin and I got in her car and she turned to me. "What did you say to them?" She asks. "nothing important." I say buckling my seatbelt. "Where are we going?" I ask her as she pulls out of the parking lot. " "The station. Hank wants to talk to you." She says. "Oh. Why?" She looks at me for a second. "I'm not sure." She says putting her eyes back on the road. The rest of the ride we were both silent. 

As soon as we pulled up and I saw Hank in front of the building with his arms crossed I tried to run. "Nope." He says picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "No! Hank let go!" I tried squirming from his arms. "Be careful you're gonna drag us both down the stairs." He says as he's walking up them. "Put me down." I say still squirming. After the words left my mouth I was dropped on my bum and looked up to see Hank with an eyebrow raised. I got up and ran past him towards the stairs. There was a gate on them that I couldn't open. "Damn it!" I turned around to find Hank and the rest of his team smirking at me. 

(I'm aware that the gate is at the bottom of the stairs, but for this to work they are at the top.)

"I'd like to go home." I pout crossing my arms. "That's too bad. I need to talk to you." He says also crossing his arms. "Are you, are you mad at me?" I say. He raises an eyebrow. "For not telling you?" I elaborate. "Why would I be mad at you?" I shrug my shoulders. "I told Erin not to tell you. " At this point I was sitting with my back against the wall looking down at my hands in my lap. I hear heavy footsteps walking over to me and look up. Hank is standing there with his hand out to help me up. I grabbed it and let him pull me up. He pulls me into a hug whispering in my ear. "I'll never be mad at you. I don't blame you for not wanting anyone to know." 

"What do you want to tell me?" I ask pulling out of his embrace. "Come here." He says leading me to his office. "You said that your mom would sometimes say that you were adopted when she would get mad at you. I think it's time you know the truth. I promised your father I would never tell you, but you are adopted." Hank says. I sat there with my mouth open trying to take in the information I was just told. "I want to meet them." I finally say. "Who?" He questions me. "My biological parents." I say with as much confidence as I can muster. "Well, you'll have to figure out who they are first and I can't tell you." He said. "Well why not? Why can you not tell me?" I ask. "It's confidential." 

At those words I storm out of the room and towards the stairs again. Lucky for me someone was just coming in so the gate was opened. I ran out hearing people calling after me. I ran down the stairs with a few of Hank's team chasing me. We ran outside and just kept running. "Catch her!" I hear Hank yell to some of his team. "No!" I yell running even faster. Little known fact about me, I ran track in high school. I kept running until I couldn't hear Hank's team following me anymore. I looked around me and didn't recognize anything. I saw a firehouse and decided to see if they could help me. 

I walked in the front doors and looked around. Feeling around for my phone I felt it in my right back pocket. "Hello. Can I help you?" Asked a man in front of me. "Um, I'm a little lost so I was going to see if anyone could help me. I was going to call my friend and ask her to come get me but I don't know where this is." I tell him. "Okay. Follow me. I'll let you wait in here while you call your friend." He tells me bringing me to a little office/sleeping room area. "I'm Kelly." He says sticking his hand out. "Tiffany." I shake his hand before he leaves. I dial Grace's number waiting for her to pick up. 

G- "Hello?" 

T- "Hey. I got lost. Can you come find me?"

G- "Yeah. I've got Alexandria with me though. Is that okay?"

T- "Yeah. Thanks." 

I told her the address of the fire station. "You know, I just got a call from Hank Voight with the police department." Says Kelly walking in. I raise an eyebrow at him. "He said a girl with red hair was coming this direction and they needed our help to catch her. So, I told him about you coming in here. He asked your name and I told him Tiffany. He's on his way here to get you." he tells me. "I'm not going with him." I say walking past him. 

When I get back out to the front where I came in at I see Grace and Alexandria and Hank with his team. "Crap." I say trying to back up only for Kelly to stop me. "Thought you were going somewhere?" Hank asks walking up to me. I thought about my situation for a minute before a smirk found it's way on my face. "You and I both know you aren't going to do anything about me leaving." I say to him. "That's where you're wrong. You are coming with us." He says. "No I'm not." I say moving over a little. "You don't have a choice." He says again. "Unless you have a warrant I'm not going anywhere with you." I say my smirk getting bigger. "You can't force me to stay and talk to you that's not how it works Hank. I don't get why it's such a big deal that I left anyway." I say trying to get him to leave. 

"You can't know who your real parents are. The truth would hurt you a lot." He says. "Unless you are one of my parents then it wouldn't hurt me too much." I say crossing my arms. "Let's just say, you have brothers and they know about you. You've met both of them and they had the chance to tell you but they didn't. Does that not hurt you?" He asks trying to reason with me. "What hurts the most, is knowing that I wasn't good enough for my parents. The fact that I have brothers shows that it wasn't because they didn't want kids. It shows that I wasn't enough for them." I say looking down. "That's not true. Mom and Dad love you a lot." A voice said. I looked up to see Jay Halstead with a guilty look on his face and everyone else glaring at him. "Oops?" 

"So, Will and Jay are..?" I started. It was all silent except a few small voices. I looked behind me to see Grace and Kelly talking and Alexandria and someone else talking. "Okay, who's he?" I whispered to Erin who was now sitting right next to me in the firehouse. "That's Antonio Dawson." She whispers back to me. "I think Alexandria might be a little taken by him." I whisper as a blush crawls up her cheeks. "Haha, Do you think they might get together?" She asks still whispering. "I don't know. I don't know him and I don't know her very well. From the looks of their conversation though, I would say they have a connection." I say to her. "What about them?" She asks turning to look at Kelly and Grace. "Oh yeah. I think they would be a cute couple." I said smiling at the two. "Haha. Are you going to try and set them up?" Erin asks. "No, Never." I say sarcastically.

We both smirked at each other before someone sat down next to me. "Hey" I heard the male voice say. Looking up I found it was Jay who had sat next to me. "I think we should talk." He says looking at me. "About?" I knew exactly what he wanted to talk about but I don't want to right now. "You know what." He says. "Okay, fine." I stand up. "Hey Kelly, can we borrow your office to talk?" I ask. "Sure." He says not taking his eyes off of Grace. I smiled at the two of them.

"So, What's up?" I asked awkwardly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you who I was. I'm sorry I never went and found you. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that stuff alone. I'm sorry I'm not a good brother." Jay started apologizing. I cut off his rambling by placing my hand over his mouth. "Don't apologize." I say with my hand still over his mouth. "I just, I just want to know why they got rid of me." I say looking up at him with tears in my eyes. "Was I not good enough for them?" I ask pulling my hand away from his mouth. "Shh. How about you swing by my place tonight and Will and I will explain everything." He says. "But, I ran out when Will was just trying to help me." I said to him thinking if Will would be mad or not.

"Hey, I'm sure he understands why you did it. Now, can you give your brother a hug?" He asks opening his arms out wide for me. "I walked into them and wrapped my arms around him. "I love you." I thought I heard him whisper. I wasn't completely sure if he even said anything so I just kept my mouth shut.  "We should head back to work now." A different man walks in interrupting our hug.

"Bye." I say to Jay before he walks out of the room. I walk out in time to see Hank's team walk out the door. I walk up to were Alexandria is standing. "You ready to go?" I ask her. "I am, but I don't know if she is." We both turn our attention to Grace. "Hey Grace. You ready to go?" I ask walking up to her. "Yeah." She answers shoving a piece of paper in her pocket. "Bye Kelly." Grace and I say at the same time walking out were Alexandria is waiting. "Shotgun!" I yell about to run towards the car before realizing I don't know which one it is. "which car?" I ask them. "That one." Grace replies pointing. "Coolio. Thanks." I say before running to it.

(The next chapter isn't going to be in Tiffany's point of view. It will either be in Alexandria or Grace's point of view. I'm not sure which one yet. Comment who's point of view it should be in. Or maybe it could be in third person point of view. Anyway, if you liked it please comment. The more comments the faster I update.)

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