The Quite Before The Storm

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This will be a short chapter..

Aryanna's POV


I walked back inside and took my working boots off by the door. Something smelled really good, I followed the smell into the kitchen and saw mama and Abuelita making shrimp fajitas and ham and cheese grilled sandwiches at like two in the morning. I'm not gonna lie I'm starving.. But my diet. Fuck it! I'm eating, when I get back to Brooklyn I'll just run longer and go on a stricter diet. "Aryanna, cariño, ¿tienes hambre?" (Aryanna, Honey, Are you hungry?) Abuelita asked me. "Si Señora." (Yes Ma'am.) I said putting the flashlight back up then I sat down at counter and she made me a plate of both the grilled sandwich and the fajita. She gave me a cup of lemonade. "Gracias." (Thank you.) I said to her. She nodded her head. Nevada came in with Sofu right behind her. They both sat next to me and ate while mama flirtatiously fed John. Gross... As you can tell at two in the morning here we are wide awake stuffing our face. After eating we all went to bed since the majority of the family is coming over tomorrow..

This should be interesting...


And... SCENE!!!

•Do you Aryanna seriously needs to let this diet thing go?

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