Silent Treatment...

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Aryanna's POV


I walked into class early and sat in the back next to Brea, Nev, and Kacie. Z is younger than me and doesn't have my classes. I was biting the inside of cheek, shaking my leg, and tapping my fingers on the desk waiting for class to start. I am livid at the fact that he just thinks it's ok to fuck with her. As the bell rung and everyone filled into the room Justin walked in. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on me, he gave me a small smile which I returned by rolling my eyes. I was not about to talk to him. If he going to fuck with Joann then I anit fucking with him simple as that. "Take your seat." Our teacher Mr. A
said. Justin sat in the open sit next to me and started staring at me. "I'm sorry." He whispered to me. I glanced at him and turned my attention back to the board where Mr. A was writing down notes.

I've managed to ignore Justin all day. At lunch I sat with my friend Craig and Zhanee and a couple other friends. They weren't my fam but they were cool. I texted Trey and them to let them know I wasn't avoiding them but avoiding Justin. After lunch I finished the rest of the day and walked from building B which was all the electives and extra classes back to the main one building which had the main courses. I was gathering my things from my locker and putting them in my backpack when my locker door slammed closed and Justin stood there with an angry face. "I been trying to talk to you all day and you been ignoring me!" He yelled at me. I gave him this blank stare and reopened my locker door and continued getting my things. "So you just not going to talk to me?" He asked after calming down a little. "Look baby I'm sorry." I looked up at him and shook my head and grabbed my last book out and closed it shut before walking down the hallway leaving him there calling after me.


And.... SCENE!!!!!

•Damn.. Aryanna is pissed

•Justin really messed up

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