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Kelsey's point of view
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As I wiped my tears, I heard someone knocking on my door. I thought it was one of the people that work here in the house until I heard Rachel's voice calling my name. I smiled. Finally someone is asking about how I was.

I got up and walked to the door. When I opened, her sadly eyes looked into mine as if she knew everything but I didn't care. She was my best friend and I wanted her here with me. She didn't waste any time before jumping in my arms.

"Kelsey! I missed you so much!" She said, hugging me tight.

"I missed you too." I softly said. Hearing my voice made me regret talking. Crying for hours had an effect of my tone of voice and seeing her looking at my face with pity and sadness made me feel so low.

"What happened Kelsey! Why are you grounded?" She asked as she walked in the room. I closed the door and followed her. I sighed as I sat by her on my bed.

"You know?" I knew she does.

"Yes. When I asked Mary she told me you've been grounded because of what you've done." She said causing my eyes to turn to her. I hear a small tone of shame in her voice.

"I didn't do anything wrong, I only wanted to have some fresh air!" I furiously said.

"You could have at least tell your father, Kelsey. All that would have never happened if he knew you wanted to have some fresh air." She said.

"You're right." I nodded. The angry in me grow, not because of what she was saying but because out of all people I knew wouldn't understand me, her name wasn't in the list. I felt disappointed that the closest person to me is against what I've done. "You're right Rachel, nothing would have happened if he knew because he would have said no and I would have came back with the driver and get back to the place I hate the most so you are right, nothing of all of this would have happened." I added. My tone of voice raised up and I didn't regret one bit. She should be supporting what I am doing. She should, out of all people, understand how I feel but no, she didn't. Just like everyone else, she judged what I've done. Just like everyone else, I am the kid that went out without taking their father's permission.

"I'm sorry, Kelsey but I'm worried about you. What is happening with you? You weren't like that last week!" She said and spoke truthfully, being right again.

"I was hiding it inside. I didn't want anyone to know that I don't want to have this life. Actually, no. You know I don't. I told you before. You just obviously forgot because it doesn't matter to you. All you see is my money and where I live but you don't see how I'm living. I don't blame you, no, not at all. I understand you never lived a life like mine before. You only see the cover of the book, all beautiful and clear but if you actually read the book you will see how dark it is." I spoke. I kept a smile on my face to hide my pain just like I always do.

Just like I expected, she didn't know what to do or say. She was just listening to what I was saying and watching my moves that were trying as hard as they could to hide my pain that I felt was impossible to hide from my best friend that knows me more than I know myself.

"I just don't understand why your father does that?" She shrugged and sighed before continue with "I mean I understand that there is a lot of crimes around here but I mean...why would they hurt you?" She thought. I never thought about the reason of why my father does that unless I had to. The thought does not even matter because I knew that it won't change anything. It just confuses me a little but I don't care enough to run and find the truth. I care about having a better life.

"The tea, girls." Mary knocked on the door.

"Come in." I yelled and dropped my body back on the bed to relax. Rachel was my best friend and I love her but the fact that she was here making me repeat all the things that I hate about my life made me want her gone.

Mary walked in with the tray of the tea mugs and placed them on the nightstand next to my alarm and on her way out, I decided to call her name.

"Yes." She turned around and her smile flushed on her lips making me grin a little.

"Come sit." I said, tapping the spot on the bed in front of me. She kept her smile on on her way over to my bed. Mary was the servant the closest to me and the house keeper. Other than all that, she was the one replacing my non-storied disappeared mother. She was the one that raised me and took care of me. I always took her as someone really close to me, even though my father didn't like that much but I didn't care.

"What is it that you, beautiful girls, want to tell me?" She asked rubbing my knee. I smiled and sat down, facing her.

"Tell me about your life." I said and the surprise in her and Rachel's eyes confused me. Why were they acting like that? It was just a question.

"What do you want to know about my life?" She softly said.

"I want to know where you live, if you have siblings, if you are married, if you have kids...I don't know. I want to know more about you." I said, balancing my eyes from Mary's to Rachel's. "I mean, you've been around me for so long and I realized that you know everything about me and my life since you're always here but I know nothing at all about you." I said calming her eyes causing me to be confused.

"There is nothing that important about my life to tell." She softly said but then her smiled grew and she said "but I will tell you."

My smile grew and my eyes widened, interested to what her life was like. Maybe she has the life that I want.

"I uses to live in a place where nobody want to be in, a place full of murders, full of thieves, full of dealers. My mother used to try most of the time to keep me inside. She never let me go out and play with them even though I'd see other girls playing with all them boys from my window but she never let me do anything they used to do. I never knew why but now I know which was why I never listened to her. I would still go out and play with them when she wasn't home." She giggled and blinked before she chose to keep going "then one day she told me that she found a job. She was so happy about it and all that she was saying was that we will have money and leave this place. It never happened but she was excited at the moment. She kept packing her things and mine and I wouldn't understand what does her having a job has to do with packing her stuff and mine."

I looked at Rachel that was already looking at me and then we turned back to Mary. Her eyes were on the floor as it she was remembering every step of the story. I smiled secretly at how beautiful the story was. She knew how to do what she wanted to do. She didn't have anyone telling her mother what she does all the time. She was free.

"And then we left. We would go back every weekend but she was with me so I stopped seeing my friends. Guess what her job was? Working for your parents...your father." She corrected herself and before I could even think about a question, she kept going "and then we would go back at weekends." I wanted to ask her about my mother but I knew that if she told me anything she would be the one in trouble and I didn't want that.

"Would you take me to visit your house?" I pronounced. She looked at me like I grew another head and Rachel yelled my name, warning me of what I was thinking.

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Okay, okay Kelsey with her sad life. Is she being too much or is she really suffering from being held down and forced to do things?

Do you think her dad is doing that for a reason? Maybe but what could possibly be the serious reason that could make him live all that only trying to keep Kelsey an insider, unknown and held down away from any human contact.

There is only one way to find out all that.

Read more to find out.

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