Losing my mind

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I feel the wind rush up and a force pulling down, I open my eyes slowly to see clouds covering me and disappearing. My hair and arms flying up, my sword flipping and turning as it is falling with me.

"....What...?" I gasped realizing I was falling; I tried to grab my sword which was far from my grip.

I saw some more clouds approaching closer and closer to me. I looked at the blue and green of this world. "Earth..." I breathed out, barely a whisper.

I was falling so fast, yet it felt like eternity for me to reach anywhere near the ground. I tried so hard to grab my sword yet my hair kept getting in my way. I couldn't see properly, I needed my sword... Stretching my hand out as far as I could, my finger touched the hilt and I just about grabbed it. Holding a tight grip I crossed it over my body with an arm behind it. I braced for impact. The wind messing my hair as people watched me, many screamed and shouted.


The ground rumbled and dust flew up. I felt the entire ground burst and crack, the people of this world screaming. My sword pierced the hard terrain as I felt dizzy from dropping who knows how many feet in the air. Looking up I saw... humans? I remembered I was on Earth but the way they looked at me, they are confused, scared. I am scaring these poor souls with my 'entrance' to this world. I looked down at my sword, where did this come from? How did I end up here?

"Hey! Guys! Move out the way!" I heard a voice call above me, looking up I see a blue and red boy swing in front of me as people moved back.

I stared at him, a mask covering his face resembling a spider. I smiled softly as my eyebrow shot up. "Spider-Man..." I said, a small smile formed on my lips.

He seemed shocked, "H-How do you know me? You're an alien from outer space!"

He exclaimed, clearly confused as everyone else. "Who are you?"

I froze. I repeated the question in my head. I thought about it, trying to find an answer. I gulped and looked down. Hiding my face in shame, I stared back at him. Who am I? With my incident, I have no clue. I thought and wondered... Who am I?

"I.... don't know...." I whispered. The boy, even more confused than before, tilted his head.

"You... don't know...?" He spoke slowly as if he couldn't understand what I was saying.

I could only nod, still heavily panting, looking up and seeing no sign of how I could have fell. I looked back down at Spider-Man. He was trying to control everyone, get people away and stop the bright flashes of light I see every few seconds. Vehicles pulled up, different ones. Some small, some big, a few flashed red and blue. My head began to spin, I couldn't control my balance. My vision was blurry as I stumbled and people's noisy chatter drowned out. I felt weak, I dropped.

Time Skip

I opened my eyes, I saw a grey ceiling. I shot up, my head spinning a little. I winced and placed a hand on my head.

"Hey, you ok?" I hear a male, deep voice and looking up I see a blonde man. He was well built with a tight top. His blue eyes looked straight at me with a deep concern on his face. He looked a little young. I knew instantly who this was, everyone knew who this was. He was a man out of time, who fought for his country and fought Nazis.

"Captain America..." I breathed out.

His eyes lightened up a little but soon turned into confusion, "How do you know me?"

"Who doesn't know you? You are a man who stopped the Red Skull and won a war with your heroism. The entire country looks up to you, well the good people anyway."

Steve raised his eyebrows and gave a 'fair enough' look. "Why don't you start with a name?"

"That's what I would like to know, as well but I can't remember for some reason."

Steve sighed, from either being annoyed or frustrated, but he looked straight into my eyes.

"We'll find out." He smiled, giving me a reassurance.

A boy walked in, short brown hair but tall. He looked young, around 16, and quite mature. He has a sweet smile on his face, soft and comforting. "Hey! Hope you're feeling better!" He spoke, a familiar voice. I've heard of it, the same who must have brought me here. His body language shows the same as well.

"You... must be Spider-Man? Am I correct?" I asked, a little hesitant, not to embarrass myself any further than I have.

He chuckled and nodded, he sat down next to me, "You remember anything? Like, anything, at all?"

I thought for a moment, leading to an uncomfortable silence. "I don't..." I wiped my face with my hands and sighed.

"It's alright; we'll help as best we can." Steve spoke, again his words comforting and reassuring me.

I then looked out of the window and realised we were in a tall tower, the view reaching out far. I got up and walked over. Looking around, taking in the sight in front of me. "Anything you like?" Peter asked with an obvious smirk on his face.

I scoffed, "This tower is quite something."

"Well, Tony Stark created it! He calls himself a-" He spoke again.

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. I know," I interrupted, turning my face while smirking. "But... I recall... the Captain and Stark being enemies?"

"Not enemies... just... got into a fight..." Steve spoke slowly, obviously a subject I shouldn't have touched upon.

"Sorry... Shouldn't have mentioned it." I replied though Steve shook his head with a soft smile.

"Hold on... You know all about us but have no clue about yourself?"

I stopped, realising that what the Spider said was true. I thought hard on, why? What made me drop to the Earth, to know nothing but superheroes? How could I lose memory on everything except for these humans?

Looking back at Peter, I shrugged slowly. I looked around and furrowed my eyebrows, "Where's my sword?"

"Tony's scanning it. He's checking what it is exactly."

"Then I would like to know as well, all I know is that I am connected to it."

"Why don't you rest?" Steve asked.

"Because I don't need to," I replied, scoffing at his question. I was fine, I really was. My head was just full of questions, ones that I have to find out the answer too.

I stood up and walked off, exiting the room. "Wait!" I turned my head, to see Peter stood up, "Let us show you the way."

"Oh right."

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