I keep waking up
Knowing this is all a dream
My hand on his shoulder
The cold seeping through his hospital gown
His lifeless form is just asleep
I want to scream
Get him another blanket
He's cold!
I don't let the tears fall
Because I have to be strong
But as I whisper goodbye
In his ear
Something breaks
And a single tear escapes
I hear him then
Nearly feel his presence
And he reassures me
Love, it's okay to cry
His words
Thor's hammer on the dam to my heart
Water falls from my eye
And I know
He is in heaven
Smiling down
On all of us
Clapping at our graduations
At our weddings
Hugging the grandchildren
To his healthy chest
I know the pain is gone
Because so is the cancer
And that he is joining
In the chorus of
Smiling as our
Maker shapes the lives of his family
Away from he door his death closed
And to the window it opened
A Book of Poems
Puisijust a bit of me revealing myself to you *trigger warning* Some of these poems while speak of self harm, depression, suicidal thoughts and efforts, and abuse (sexual/enotional) please don't read them if they will case you problems. I am always here...