Chapter 5

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Myst POV

When we arrived at Burgess Jack took me straight to a very normal looking house. He knocked on the window and a teenager pocked his head out and smiled when he noticed Jack. He ushered us in to his room where he immediately started talking.

"Are you here for another snow day Jack? I'll go get Sophie and meet you outside!" He quickly said.

"Slow down there Jamie! I've brought a friend with me this time and she needs you to believe in her." Jack cut in. I looked at him in surprise. Could he really do that? Would he actually do that for me?

"Sure! What's her name and what does she do?" Jamie asked Jack.

"Her names Myst and looks after music." Jack answered looking to me for confirmation on that. I nodded and gave a little shrug even though I was mentally thinking that that's not quite it but it would have to do for now.

Jamie appeared to stop and concentrate for a while. I guess he was trying to believe in me? I really don't know what's currently going on...

He opened his eyes and looked at Jack.

"I don't see her."

I scoffed.

"Did he expect to see me hanging off your shoulder or something? I'm not a floating musical note! I'm a person!" I said to Jack.

I looked back to Jamie to see him staring at me with wide eyes.

"What the hell are you looking at? Wait... you can see me?" Jamie just nodded.

"You can see me?" I asked again, receiving another nod.

"Wait wait wait wait. Are you sure you are actually seeing ME or the general area in which I'm standing?" I asked him just to be sure.


"jeez, calm down. What climbed up your ass and died..." I muttered.

Jamie suddenly burst out laughing.

"What?" Jack and I asked at the same time.

"Your like and old married couple." He answered still laughing his head off. Jack and I glanced at each other then looked away blushing.

"Ooohhhh... has Jack got a crush on Myst?" Jamie teased. As Jack was going to answer I interrupted him.

"I came here for a snow day." I stated.

"And if I don't get a snow day soon I'm outa here!" I said looking at both of them. For a couple of seconds they looked like children that had just been scolded but they quickly got over it.

"I'm gonna go grab Sophie and the others and we'll meet you outside." Jamie yelled as he ran through his bedroom door leaving Jack and I standing there. Instead of waiting for Jack though, I just flew out the window and waited outside for Jamie. Jack flew down as Jamie came raving out the door with a young girl with long blonde hair. I heard a few other doors slammed and looked down the street to see a couple of teenagers running down their driveways and down the street towards us. I turned and looked back at Jamie as he began to speak.

"Myst, this is my little sister Sophie." I waved at Sophie and surprisingly... she waved back. Jamie must have already told her about me when he found her.

I turned when I felt a sinister presence and flew off towards the forest where it was coming from. When I landed on the ground, a dark mist bagan to surround me before a whole appeared and I felt myself getting sucked in.

Music and Frost (Jack Frost Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now