Mirrors (Daring x Mirror)

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Okay, so I know that probably no one ships this but I just wanted to do this just for fun because Daring is so attracted to his mirror that I had to do this. Enjoy! The song is Mirrors By Justin Timberlake

It was the afternoon at Ever After High when Daring Charming was preparing for a hangout with his guy friends. He stared dreamily into his golden-rim hand mirror as he brushed his hair to the side multiple times.

Whenever he looked into the mirror, he felt a connection to him. Those gorgeous blue eyes, that jaw line, that messy blonde hair, that crown that fit perfectly upon his head, and not to mention those on point eyebrows.

Aren't you something to admire, 'cause your shine is something like a mirror
And I can't help but notice, you reflect in this heart of mine

If you ever feel alone and the glare makes me hard to find
Just know that I'm always parallel on the other side

Every time Daring needed someone to talk to, he would always talk to him. He knew everything Daring needed and what Daring wanted. He was the perfect prince.

And every time Daring looked into his mirrors, he would be there. He was so heroic, gentle, understanding, and not to mention charming.

Daring didn't know why but this prince looked like him. And if Daring didn't see him at least one-hundred and fifty times per day, then he would freak out.

'Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul
I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go

Just put your hand on the glass, I'm here trying to pull you through
You just gotta be strong

This guy whom he looked up to was always there for him. Even when Daring lost his confidence in himself, he would look into that shiny reflection to see him.

Daring didn't know what to do without him for he was everything for him. Daring tried to see him as much as he could.

'Cause I don't wanna lose you now
I'm looking right at the other half of me

The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold
Show me how to fight for now
And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy
Coming back into you once I figured it out

You were right here all along
It's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me
I couldn't get any bigger
With anyone else beside of me
And now it's clear as this promise
That we're making two reflections into one

'Cause it's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me

   Daring slid his hand upon the glass of the mirror, then he heard a knock on the door.

   " Hey Daring." a muffled voice called out behind his dorm room door " It's me Dexter, are you ready?"

    " I'm coming!" Daring called back, then he looked at his mirror once more.

    " I'm gonna miss you." Daring whispered as he opened the door. His mirror glistened as the sun reflected upon it.

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