Chapter 9

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   *Not edited, read at your own risk*

After we went through security we checked the time and saw that is was 7:30am. We were going to go to our gate but we realized that we had so much time so we went to eat. The whole class ended up all over the airport terminal trying to get food before the flight. Kathy, Jason and I decided to go to Jamba Juice ( A/N an American smoothie/ Juice chain) to get smoothies since a meal will be provided on the plane. 
  We stand in line and each of us wait our turns. Both Kathy and Jason have placed their order and now it's my turn. I step up to the counter and smile at the lady behind the counter. She looks at me weirdly. I place my order a little confused as to what this ladle's deal is. I get a small strawberry, raspberry and pomegranate smoothie.  I walk over to Kathy and Jason. 
  "Don't worry babes she was mean to us too" Kathy says as she gives me a back hug. Jason pouts, he's feeling left out. We giggle. Kathy lifts one arm and grabs Jason and holds him too.
  "My little babies" she says as gives is a squeeze before heading over to the table where our smoothies were waiting for us. We each took our smoothies and headed towards our gate. Right now it's about 8:00am so we have plenty of time to walk, talk and window shop before boarding begins. Because this is an international flight the terminal has more shops than it would have it was a domestic flight. We walk pat shops like Gucci, Victoria Secret, Pink, and Sephora. We talk about what we would buy if we were rich and what we do. Than before our eyes we are at our gate. Jason sighs
  "That was the longest walk of my life, good thing we had Jamba to keep us going" I giggle as we throw away our trash. Kathy hits him upside the head.
  "Ow!! What was that for?" He exclaims as he rubbed his head. She rolls her eyes.
  "You really can't be that unfit that what we just did left you winded."  He glares at her.
  "Sorry we can't all be track stars." Kathy just shrugged her shoulders and walked towards the seats to sit down to wait for boarding to start. After about 20 minutes we are finally allowed to board the plane.
After handing the flight attendant my ticket I walk through the tunnel towards the plane. Once on the plane I head to my assigned seat. After sitting I arrange my things.  I place my bag under the chair in front of me, than I take out my blanket and neck pillow and plug in my headphones to drown out the boring flight attendants.
   Half way through the flight I wake up. I didn't even realize that I went to sleep. I look over at the flight thing that tells you how close you are to your destination. You see the flight takes 7 hours and 15 minutes give or take to get there. I only slept for an hour. I roll my eyes, and lean down to get my phone charger out of bag. When I lift my head I'm face to face with Jason. I giggle
"What's so funny" he ask.
  "You've got a lot of drool on the side of your face." His eyes widened. He quickly goes and wipes his face. I give him a thumbs up letting him know he got everything. I plug in my phone and pull my head phones over my ears. I also began wiping my makeup of. I began thinking about my friendships. You see Kathy and Jason I both met in our freshman year. We had every single class together.       
That year I had no classes with Stassi so naturally I made new friends. I.e. Kathy and Jason. On the first day of freshman orientation we sat together and began talking. And we've been friends since than. Once finished with wiping my face I throw away the make up in the make shift trash bag from the gift shop where I bought over priced water. After I put on a sheet mask and close my eyes. I let Lana sing into my ears while the mask is soaking in.
------------------20 minutes later---------
I remove the mask and apply eye cream and my favorite sleeping mask and begin listening to Ariana Grande's Dangerous Woman album I gues I fell asleep because the next I know the flight attendant is saying we have about and hour before we land. Immediately I grab my face pouch out of my carry on and rush into the bathroom. I wash my face use toner,moisturize and put on sunscreen. I than head back to my seat. It's a struggle because   
I'm on the window seat. The guy in the aisle seat gets up he seems annoyed but I don't care that's what you get for sitting in the aisle, you're just going to have to get up. And than I have to do a little shimmy over Jason trying not to get my boobs in his face. I made it into my seat without any of my girls being pressed against my best friends face. I began my my mini make up routine. The same from the morning since once off the flight we only have time to change our clothes. I apply my tinted moisturizer, mascara, eyebrows and my chap stick than feeling eyes boring into the side of my face, I turn to see a very angry Jason starring at me. I giggle nervously,"What's wrong Jay?"
His face starts turning red with anger.
"You didn't wake me up!!!!" What in the world is he talking about. I look across the aisle at Kathy to see if she can give me any hints as to what this boy is talking about. She shakes her head no. Great I'm on my own with this one. I look at him again with a confused face.
"I told you to wake me up!" I scrunch my face in confusion. I never heard him tell me this. This must have been when I was asleep or something because I don't remember this conversation at all.
    "I'm sorry Jason I don't remember you asking me to do that." I say with most sincerity in my voice. He rolls his eyes.
  "It's fine lets just move past it, plus we land in 10 minutes!!" He squeals. I giggle at his excitement. I can't believe I slept for so long must have been so tired from the day before.
I look out the window and see that the plane is hovering over the the tarmac. Ooh we make a quick but bumpy landing. The flight attendant comes on to tell you don't unbuckle your seat blah blah, no one listens everyone is in a hurry to leave this plane right away. We all stand up at once and play that little waiting game to see if anyone is going to let us off. The guy in the aisle cuts the flow of people off so that Jason and I could go we say thanks as we slide past. We are in Barcelona!!!! The time is six hours ahead from home. The local time here 7:00pm while at home it is 1:00pm!! I can't believe we've been traveling all day. I yawn as we enter the airport and head out towards customs. Each one of us has to go through to get checked out. I get ushered over towards a very cute looking guy. I slowly make my over to him. Placing my bag on the counter I take out my drivers license and my passport along with my other papers I was given before the trip to fill out. The cute agent looks at my passport photo and smirks.
   "This doesn't even look like you" he says with a very husky Latino accent. I glance down at my photo. The picture is from 8th grade. I had red velvet colored hair and lots of dark eye makeup. I wince I knew I should have taken a new picture but my passport doesn't expire for another 3 years so I just left it. I also thought it was a good idea to wear blue lipstick in my passport photo. I mentally kick myself. The agent smiles.
"Good thing I have your drivers license, because I would definitely not let you come through customs with that passport picture" I nod. My license picture was taken a month ago, the first picture I took turned out horribly but I begged to take it again so I did I moth ago. The agent hands back my things and sends me on my marry way towards my friends not with out a cute little wink. I swoon at the sweet gesture. Jason waves me over.

"Hey Chica who's that hottie?" He says nodding towards the agent I was just with. I shrug although he was cute he seem at least 25, although they say age is just a number.
"Where's Kathy?" I ask dismissing he's statement as I skim my eyes across the area searching for my tall curly haired friend. My eyes meet dark shiny eyes that seem to be boring it to mine. The man is across the room coming out of the departures into customs. He than gets escorted into a secluded part away from others. I shudder. Those eyes seem to lock into my head.
"Hello earth to Ari" Jason says I stare at him.
  "I've been calling your name for 5 minutes" he grabs my hand and leads me out towards the car park where our bus must be waiting. I barley have time to grab my bags before being dragged through the doors into the brisk evening air. Flashes of lights are going off in front of me, making it hard to see. Jason and I stumble blindly attempting to get away. Someone grabs my arm balancing me. I turn to meet the same dark shining dark eyes from before. He smiles before releasing me and heading to his long line of cars and security waiting for him. The cameras follow him as I'm left standing dumbfounded on the sidewalk. Jason reappears by my side.
  "That was cray-cray. I never want to experience that again" he says as he attempts to fixes his hair as we head towards the bus. 
  "I agree" I say as we ascend the stairs on to the bus. Kathy is waiting for us in the middle section.
  "I've been waiting for you two forever" she exclaims as Jason and I sit in the seats across the aisle from her. Looking out the window I recall the events of what just happened. Who was that guy? Was he famous? Why was he so nice to me? I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my side.
  "Ow Jay what was that for." I question as I rub my side. That's probably going to leave a bruise. 
  "Say here he's whispers harshly into my ear. I look up to see Mrs. Greeny staring in my direction. I flash a weak smile before saying here. She gives me one last look before moving on to the next person.
"Thanks Jay" I say laying my head on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around me. According to the paper we were just handed it will take about an hour and a half to get to the hotel. I let my eyes close and listen to the sounds of my classmates talking and Jason's deep vibrating voice in my ears drift me of to sleep.
A/N Hey guys!!! Long time no see. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Also thank you everyone for sticking with my story. For my Americans I hope you had a good thanksgiving, if you celebrated. Also did anyone go Black Friday shopping? If so let me know how it was. One last thing. If you guys have any book recommendations let me know. They can be Wattpad or real books just DM me. Have a good day/night everyone and see you in the next chapter.

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