Chapter 8

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  *Not edited, read at your own risk*

   It's currently 3 o'clock in the morning, My flight leaves at 9am. I have meet my class at school at 5am sharp. I roll out of bed and sleepily walk over to my desk, turning on the lamp. I sit down and stare at my reflection. I sigh I look like I just got in a fight and loss. I stand up and walk into the bathroom closing the door, starting my morning routine.

   I cross the hall and into my bedroom. I throw on my pre picked airport outfit which consists of high waisted black jeggings and my cropped white sweatshirt with the word Pink written across it in black.  I throw on my red pumas and put my charger and phone into my purse, double checking to make sure I have everything. I sit down at my desk and start applying my makeup. I apply a light weight BB cream, mascara and a tinted chap stick. I throw those into my purse as well as make up wipes and my water cleanser so that I can remove my makeup before going to sleep on the plane.

   I thank the Uber driver as he lifts my big rolling suitcase out of the trunk. He waves goodbye before driving off, probably to pickup a new customer. I throw my small purse into my much larger carry on bag. I throw that over my shoulder and walk into the main building of my high school.

"Good morning Ms. Carter" The trip supervisor Mrs. Greeny says to me. "Here is your tag to place on your Check in bag, after you put the tag on place your bag over there." She points to the bags neatly lined up by the side door. " Before  you do that here is your plane ticket and your itinerary." She hands me all my papers as well as checking to make sure I have my passport. I put the tag on my bag and drag it over to the line of suitcases. I place everything else inside my carry on bag and head down the hall following a group of people to the library. I enter through the heavy wooden doors searching for familiar faces. Stassi and Zach decided not to go because they were saving up money to go on a trip together, so that leaves me by myself. Not that having Stassi here would make anything better. I work my way to the back saying hello to people who greeted me. Someone grabs my arm, I turn ready to attack my assailant when I realize it's my Spanish buddies Jason and Kathy.

  "Oh My Goodness you guys scared the crap out of me" Kathy giggles
    "Sorry girl we just want to catch you" Kathy says Jason nods in agreement.
  "Sit with us over here" Kathy points to the couch area with an table in between them. I nod and follow them over to the couches. Once I'm settled on my couch Jason and Kathy sit across from me. They stare at me waiting for me to talk. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
   "What?" I ask leaning back crossing my legs. Jason clears his throat.
   "Tell us about what happen with Stassi" I roll my eyes
   "Can we please not talk about it? I don't even want to think about it" Jason throws his hands up in defense. Kathy giggles
  "Sure sweetheart" She says. I lean back into the couch and look up at the ceiling. I began to wonder what it will be like in Spain, what type of people we'll see, what type of food we'll eat and fun memories will we make. I sigh coming out of my day dream I tilt my head back down so that I'm facing my friends. They seem to be having a deep conversation. I glance towards the double doors of the library to see Ms. Carter enter and make her way to the front.

  "Good morning students, I know it's early but aren't you guys excited!" She's exclaims looking around the room at our tired faces. She giggles
  "Now, now students cheer up because we are about to start our long but exciting adventure to Spain!!" I smile, I know Ms. Carter can't wait for this trip. She's been talking about it since last year.
  "Grab your things because we are getting on the bus to go to the airport. Hurry children, I'll see you in the bus in 10 minutes." We gather our things, before leaving Kathy checks to make sure we have everything, including our passports before heading to the bus. Once on the bus we choose seats close to the front but not to close, since the ride will be an hour long to the airport, and I don't want to sit anywhere near that bathroom.

Once on the bus Ms Carter calls roll and hands out our plane tickets.
  "Students please don't lose your tickets because this is the only one you'll get, if you lose you'll be left here and you won't get a refund. Does everyone understand? " I look at Kathy who's sitting to my left in the aisle seat she rolls her eyes. She leans over to whisper in my ear.
  "She treats us like toddlers, I feel like she forgets we're all AP (advanced placement) students." I smile and nod my head in return. Ms. Carter does sometimes baby us but I don't mind that much. I think it's sweet. Kathy puts on her headphones and rest her head on her neck pillow signaling that she's about to sleep. I look over to the seat in front of us and see that Jason has done the same as Kathy, I sigh. I plug in my phone and pop my headphones on as I stare out the window. I imagine a fun trip in Spain before falling asleep.
--------------At the Airport---------------
( it's about 6:30 am)
The lights flick on in the bus and we all groan in protest.
  "Time to get up my students because we are at the airport. Also before we leave Ms. Cake the art teacher and Mr. Revenge the English teacher are going to meet us at the gate. We cheer. Ms. Cake and Mr. Revenge are the best teachers at our school next to Ms. Carter. We exit the  bus and wait our turns for our luggage to lifted from the bottom. I grab my luggage and follow my classmates inside to what I assume is the check in area. Once inside I realize that we are all just in a room.
"What are we doing in here, aren't we suppose to check in our bags?" Jason asks. We all look towards Ms. Carter for an answer.
"All of our bags are all ready pre-checked." She says with a smile while she pulls out a folder. She hands everyone a baggage tag to place on our luggage before we all place our bags in a line by a door. Kathy comes rushing over to my side.
"Our we in a book or what. Not only do we have pre-check on our bags, but we also have the pre-check line for security!" She must have seen the confusion written all over my face.
  "Remember when Ms. Carter said that the trip was going to cost an extra 300 dollars each and that if we had any problems with getting to money we had to talk to her?" I nod my head.
"Well all that money that we fundraised went towards that, also she upgraded our hotel!!!" Kathy jumped for joy. I smiled at her.
"I think it's time to go through security." I say as I notice many of our classmates moving towards the security check in area. Kathy nods. We grab our stuff, and Jason who wondered off to look around the airport.

  Once through security we head towards our gate to wait for
our flight number to be called.

A/N. Hey everyone! Long time no see. I wanted to say again that I've added slow updates to the description because I don't really have a updating schedule. To be honest I write this story for fun. I hoped that you've enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one.

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