Into The Town

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"Now remember stay here in this room. If you hear anyone hide. Even if they call out to you do not answer. And most of all do not go in my workroom." Cece recited off these rules to Sya like she did every weekend she went to town. While Cece knew that Sya had these rules memorized by heart she liked to see the annoyance in her sisters face. As she finished Sya gave a dramatic eye roll.
"Are you done yet? I already know this." She whined.
"I know. I'm leaving now ok?" They said their goodbyes before Cece started walking down the sewer in the direction that would lead her to the town. She hated leaving her sister like this. She was helpless if anything happened but it would be even worse if she brought her with. If anything happened and they had to run they would both get caught.
         About a quarter way through her hour long walk she started thinking about it. It always happened on this walk. There was nothing to do besides think.
         The eyes. That's what she always saw first in these memories. She felt as if she could hear the sound of  metal against metal. The screeching sound that meant she was no longer alone. The eyes would peek through the slot at the top part of the door. She would sit in her corner and wait for the words to come.
         Thinking about these words Cece forced herself to push it out of her mind. The thoughts would be back but she wanted them gone for now. She made the rest of walk humming to herself.
         When she got to the sewer lid she went four steps past it and pulled a little string hanging from a small hole in the ceiling above the pipes. As she pulled the string you could hear the small distant tinkling of a bell. There were footsteps over head and a door was opened. The lid was lifted off and Cece climbed up and into the yard of Anna Hastings, the widow with the misfortune of having a sewer hole inches from her back door.

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