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      Mark's lips are full and warm, a bit rough like the kiss, but Jackson does not mind at all. The young finds himself admitting he likes Mark's lips so very much and wouldn't want to part from them any time soon, if ever. All what Jackson can do is kiss the older back, pulling him a bit closer until their bodies are completely pressed against one another.

Jackson feels like there's fire under his skin and soon he'll just combust, every single part of him feels alive and buzzing. It's like every cell in his body is screaming Mark's name, a chanting that takes over his heartbeat and suddenly that's all what the younger can hear.

Mark. Mark. Mark. Mark...

They are so close, but it's not enough, Jackson want's the other boy even closer, even if that is not physically possible. However, there was a time when all he wanted was for Mark to go back to LA or anywhere across the world, where they wouldn't even have a chance to meet.

How long ago had that been?

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"Look what you fucking dog did again!" Jackson shouted, throwing his now unusable new pair of trainers at Mark's bed. The fucking dog, as Jackson referred to Coco in his fit of anger, was startled and ran away, knowing she had done wrong.

She hadn't only chewed his expensive new pair of trainers, she had also puked in one and peed in the other, because why not? Because Jackson hadn't spent thousands of thousands wons in that limited edition pair of trainers.

Mark laughed, his shoulders shaking with amusement and the fit of chuckles as he just stared at the shoe on his bed.

"Your dog peed on that one! And puked in this other!" Jackson continued, throwing the other shoe at Mark, landing on the older's lap.

At least he stopped laughing to grimace and push the shoe aside, but when he looked at Jackson the smirk came back which told the younger the other boy wasn't in the slightest sorry about what his dog had done. Obviously, that only infuriated Jackson further.

"That's what I call karma," Mark mumbled. "And I don't know why you bring these here. You should've thrown them away. A wash won't fix them."

Outraged, Jackson threw his arms in the air and paced from side to side, doing his best not to slaughter Mark in that exact moment.

"Your dog did this, you fix it," Jackson let out through gritted teeth, taking deep and controlled breaths not to do anything that would jeopardise his job.

"You want me to throw them away? Fine," Mark continued and his sarcasm was definitely not appreciated. It was making things worse. "But for the record, don't be an idiot and leave your new sparkly shoes where Coco can reach them. You know she hates you."

Mark grabbed the pair of trainers and left the mat, clearly heading for the door, barely touching the shoes and still grimacing, but ultimately leaving. Jackson stayed behind, clenching his fists so tightly the knuckles went white and steam was probably coming out of his ears. He felt like he was boiling and would explode any moment now.

Jackson could bet his life fortune that Mark taught Coco to always attack Jackson's belongings. His clothes, shoes, hats, even his plants. Anything she could reach, it was something Jackson could say goodbye to. Youngjae at least was apologetic and offered to pay back for the damage, but Jackson told him time and time again it wasn't necessary. However Mark, that annoying and insufferable boy, only smirked and made Jackson even more pissed. The older never apologised or offered to pay back, which made Jackson want to force him to pay.

Mark definitely enjoyed seeing Jackson suffer, which made him a sick sadist Jackson couldn't stand anymore. But the younger didn't want to ruin his life with a murder so the best thing was if Mark left because Jackson was going nowhere any time soon. He had given up enough to be where he was, if someone had to leave it was Mark. Jackson prayed Mark would miss home too much and decide he couldn't be part of GOT7 anymore.

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