Chapter one, part two- Meet Kasai, Pokèathlete

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"Come on Kasai you will be late to get your pokèmon!" called my mum from inside the house

"Ok!" I said and quickly shot the basket ball into the hoop and ran inside.

"You ready" asked my mum

"Not yet just need to pack a few more things" I ran upstairs an grabbed what was formally my gym bag and put in my favourite tracksiut and my sports equipment. I put on my best trainers and picked up my bag and ran downstairs.

"I'm done mum" I said

"That's good so you excited"

"You bet I am gonna be the best Pokèathlete EVER!!"

"Well as long as you know I believe in you" said my mum

"I know!" I said

"Well of you go don't want to be late"

"Ok bye see ya when ever" I sad running out the door.

I jumped on my bike and started to ride to professor Birk's lab. The reason being I'm finally getting my first pokèmon! I have waited for ages and now at the age of 13 I will get my first pokèmon and become the best Pokèathlete! I'm guessing you may not know what a Pokèathlete is? It's fine not many do... But basicly a Pokèathlete is someone who teams up with there pokèmon and become a sports duo and try to overcome as many sports a possible. And I will become the best. I have been waiting all my life. The sight of the lab in the far distance makes me pedal faster. And I quickly arrive at the lab. And burst through the door. I sprint down the corridor till I'm at the end of the corridor.

"I'm here to recieve my pokèmon!" I say a bit to loudly

"Ah yes Kasai aren't you?" Said the professor walking over to me

"You bet!" I say

"Well choose one then" The professor sai indicating at six pokèballs

"What pokèmon are there to choose?" I ask

"eevee just eevee's" the professor said

"Ok" I say picking up one and when I open it a small eevee started running around the room

"Well you seem to have quite a lively one there don't you?" says the professor

"He is perfect" I said picking up the eevee

"Well sit down over there while we wait for the others" the professor said indicating to seven chairs one which was aleeady occupied by a boy also holding an eevee

"Hey" I say sitting down

"Hey I'm Spark and this little guy here is Bolt" said the boy who I now know as Spark and like me he has an eevee

"Cool nice to meet you Spark I'm Kasai and this little fellow is... Hmmm.... I know I will call him Blaze" I said

"Awsome! So what are your plans? Me I will be the best trainer ever!" Spark said

"Well I will be the best Pokèathlete ever!" I said

Then a boy walks through the door with look of deep concentration. His steps are small and perfect as if he is timing every step.


This chapter is dedicated to Silent4everBeatless

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