Chapter One, Part 4- Meet Zoey, Trainer

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As I quickly dodged quite a shocked Lillypup on my skateboard I thought of what my mum told me as left the house this morning.

"Please be careful Zoey"

And my reply

"Don't worry mum!"

I mean I was careful. I didn't crash into the tree when I started riding at full speed, or fall IMO the lake when I jumped over it. And just now the Lillypup was unharmed. So I am pretty careful. Now the reason while I am rushing on my skateboard is that I am going to Proffesor Birks lab. Why? To get my first pokèmon!!! I was 14 so I have waited a while. I am planning to win the pokèmon league. Of course first I have to beat all 8 gyms but how hard can that be? My mum was hesitant about me leaving something about me being careless. But as seem as receiveing your first pokèmon is pick of the draw I refused to let her stop me. And then it was a real heated disscusion about my skateboard but with the promise that I would be careful I won! My skateboard is the most important thing to me of course then my pokèmon will be first and my skateboard has to move down to second but I'm sure that is reasonable. Right?

I see the lab in the distance and quickly pick up the speed on my board. I quickly lose full control and due to my lack of estimating distance or my uncontroling speed cuased me to hit a stray rock and found my self crashing into the outside of the lab. I did feel a stab of pain in my hand. The door burst open and 3 kids and the professor ran out.

"Woah are you ok?" asked the girl running up to me

"Well it hurts a bit" I say with a smile

"What happend?" asked one of the boys

"well I picked up speed on my skateboard and then I hit a rock" I said

The other boy sighed but helped me up.

"Ow!" I said as he gripped on my hand

"Are you ok?" he asked helping me with my other hand

"Not sure" I said honestly

"Let's get you inside" said the professor leading me to the lab

As I got in a sat down on a chair which had 6 others by it. I opened my bag got out the first aid kit my mum packed and wrapped a bandage round my hand. I also wiped a cut I found on my cheek.

"I see you packed a first aid kit" said the Proffesor

"Yeah this sort of thing is kinda common" I admit

"You sure your ok?" asked the girl

"Yeah I fine" I reply

"Your Zoey aren't you?" asked the Proffesor walking over

"Yeah how do you know?" I asked

"Your mum gave me a call"

"That makes sense"

"So are you ready to choose your pokèmon?"

"you bet!"

"Well just choose a pokèmon unfortunately there all eevee's"

"Thats fine" I say choosing a pokèball and a eevee with big cute eyes looked at me.

"Aww he is soooooo cute" I say picking him up

"Well sit down over there while we wait for the others" said the Proffesor

I go sit down on the chair were I sat before. The other kids were there so only 3 seats were vacant

"Sure you ok?" asked the girl

"Yeah and by the way I'm zoey I haven't really introduced myself" I said

"Awsome I'm Kasai" said the girl now know as Kasai

"I'm Spark" says a boy

"I'm Zen" says the boy who helped me up

"Cool nice to meet you!" I say to all of them

"So what are you planning to be, I'm going to be a trainer, Kasai a Pokèathlete and Zen a coordinator" says Spark

"Well you have some competition me and my buddy here will beat you at battleing" I say confidently

"Ok me and Bolt are ready! So what are you nicknameing your eevee? I need to know for when I beat you" says Spark

"Hmmm Scooter it sounds cool" I say and my eevee makes a cute sound in agreement

"Cool this is Blaze" says Kasai

"Damn! I forgot my skateboard" I say rushing outside

When I go outside a boy on rollaskates and he seems to be holding my skateboard.

"This yours" he asks

"Yeah thanks" I said taking


I'm so sorry for the bad chapter. Promise the next one will be better. Honest!!!

This is dedicated to Raneko_Chan!!!

Thanks for reading!!!

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