The things that scare us

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Violet had jumped out of her tired state and was now hiding under her bed whimpering.
"Violet? Are you okay?" I ask, my blonde and red hair falling in my face while I looked under the bed. Violet was shaking horribly and was saying incoherent things under her breath.
"Shit..." Jackson said while climbing off the bed. He crawled under V's bed when another blot of lightning crashed, and was holding her close.
"Frig... I forgot V was afraid of thunder and lightning..." Lys said while looking over to the terrified Violet.
"Shh... It's okay V..." Jackson said while comforting her. "Red, can you grab me some earbuds or headphones?" He asked, holding Violet to his chest. Red dug through her bag and passed her Beats to Jackson, who plugged them into his phone, and went through something, and soon, I could hear rock music playing through them.
He placed the headphones over Violets ears and she continued to shake, though she managed to calm down. It was strange how they could do this so easily, as if it's happened a million times, and for all I know, it has. Lighting struck again, and this time she only squeezed her eyes tighter, as if she was able to see the lighting through her eyelids.
Lys sneezed.
I woke on the floor with a searing pain close to where the Gemini was located. It was burning like my hand was on fire. I held back a whimper and just laid there, trying to ignore the pain. I began to shake, and the pain got worse. It hurt like hell, and o was trying so hard not to scream and cry. After ten minutes the pain subsided, but the feeling never left my body.
I closed my eyes, but I couldn't find sleep. I kept my eyes closed and just played the day over through my head. Though, instead of seeing what happened today, I saw something else. I was standing on a platform, with eleven others on different platforms, each a different color. I was standing on a blood red platform, and the platform next to mine was orange, and the colors continued; orange, yellow, gray, light green, dark green, turquoise, blue, indigo, purple, pink, and magenta, though only three other than mine were occupied. 
Two females stood on the yellow platform, one with blonde, nearly white hair, and bright crystal eyes that wore a knee length, strapless, white dress and a white mask, along with white heels. The other, however, had black hair, with deep maroon eyes and wore a knee length, long sleeve, lacy black dress and black mask. Both were holding one arm out and were holding the others elbow at an arms length, as if playing tug of war without moving. The one in black had a white vine in her empty hand that had begun to wrap itself around her waist, and the other had a black vine around her wrist.
Two platforms later, the girl standing on the light green platform had blonde hair and the tips were an ombré orange, giving them the effect that her hair was fire. Her eyes looked to be a fiery red and she had tan skin that made her bright smile shine. The girl wore a red top and yellow shorts, along with orange Chuck Taylors. She stood as if she was on a stage in front of a million people and she was the star of the show.
A girl stood on the final platform, the blue, and her black and red hair was pulled into a side braid. She wore a black and red dress that looked like it had scorpions stingers etched into the hem. It ended below her knees and the left strap of the dress was falling of her shoulder. Her gray eyes burned into my soul as if it was the thing she was made to live for.
That's when I looked down at my own attire.
My blonde and red hair was curled and fell just above my waist like always, but I was no longer wearing my pajamas. The comfy clothes were replaced with an even more comfortable black, sparkly satin dress that ended just above my knee, white fabric protruded from the sleeve at the elbow. A thick red ribbon wrapped around the waist of the dress and with red lace going around the hem of the dress. My once bare feet now had fiery red pumps that were surprisingly comfy.
I felt my platform began to shake, and one by one, the others collapsed. I tried to pry my eyes open, even thought I secretly wished it was more than a dream. The girls that are opposites fall first, the girl that looked like fire, the girl who looked like she could murder me fell into the abyss, and I felt my platform shake violently and I begin to drop, I didn't scream, I just felt my heart in my throat as I fell into the abyss below.
I shot up from the 'dream' and looked at my surroundings, and saw everyone was still in the same positions; V and Jackson were still under the bed, Lys was hanging off of Violet's futon upside down while sleeping, and Red was curled up in the corner with a thin blanket.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and closed my eyes. The vision didn't come back, but what did those three girls mean? The two on the one platform, the girl that looked like the sun, and the girl that looked like she was about to go on a murdering spree.
Those facts pulled together in my mind, and the realization hit me like a tsunami. Violet was a Gemini; two people trapped in one body. Lys was a Leo; the lion that leads. Red was a Scorpio; the passionate, protective scorpion.
'No... They couldn't... Could they...?' I thought to myself while looking at them. V did have a spilt personality, like she was two people fighting against each other to control herself; the same way the two girls on the yellow platform looked as if they were fighting, tugging over who would be the ruler of the body.
Lys was a 'fabulous' person (as she says) and her smile could nearly be brighter than the sun; the same way that girl on the light green had a smile like she was the star of life itself.
Red was like a scorpion; she seemed calm by she could strike at anyone if they hurt her or anyone she was close with, even the people she wasn't close with. She was like that awesome big sister every young girl wished they had.
I heard a thump, and saw Lys was now on the floor, attempting to untangle herself from the sheets she had brought down with her. This had woken Violet, who, when woken and still being under her bed, bumped her head on the bottom of her bed, and caused her to yelp. This, of course, woke Jackson, and the same thing happened to him, though he didn't show any signs of pain other then rubbing his head and looking at the bed above the two.
The sound coming from Violet's mouth had woken Red, also, and she was now tiredly looking around the room. Talk about that chain reaction.
"What time is it?" Red asks while yawning and stretching. I pull out my phone and click the power button.
"It's eleven." I say while wiping the sleep out of my eyes.
Violet groaned and stopped crawling out from under the bed.
"It's only eleven? Why are we awake then?" She asked drowsily, crawling back under the bed.
"Oh no you don't." Jackson said while grabbing Violet's hands and pulling her body out from under the bed. Violet's skin was paler than usual and she was giving Jackson one of those death glares of hers.
He rolled his eyes and brought her completely out from under the bed, revealing the blanket both he and she had slept under. They were a cute couple, even if they weren't really a couple. I closed my eyes for a brief moment and thought if I would ever have a boy friend. More than likely not, I'm a freak show. Or am at least going to be considered one when people find out about my marking.
I opened my eyes and smiled.
"What are you smiling about?" Lys said while still unwrapping herself from the sheets.
"Your bed head." I lied.
"WAIT WHAT!?!?" Lys shouted and finally untangled herself from her soft captors. She stood and rushed to the bathroom, where I heard a sigh of relief. "GOD DAMNIT WHY DID YOU LIE I WAS SCARED MY HAIR WAS GONNG TO BE LIKE A LIONS MANE!!!!" I heard her yell from the bathroom. We all laughed and began to get ready for the day.

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