Seeing Them Again

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.: Hiccup :.

You thought there would be a period where you'd have to "get used to" the dragons. Despite your fascination, they were still strong, threatening, murder beasts with combustible spit and breath. That should have been off-putting. You wanted to be around them more, and knew from the start that you weren't going to leave Berk until you got one of your own. But you still expected some sort of fear or nervousness to surface once you were face to face with one.But it never happened. When Hiccup introduced you to his Night Fury you felt nothing but joy. And the next day when you woke up? You were instantly excited to see what your next day on Berk would bring.

It was a challenge to keep yourself from running on your way to the center of town, where you saw Hiccup and Toothless standing there with the twins, who you'd heard were called Ruffnut and Tuffnut. You hadn't met them yet, and weren't too sure who was who, but the fact that you had the slightest idea of who they were made you feel comfortable enough to approach the group. 

"Hey!" Hiccup grinned upon seeing you. "Ruff, Tuff, this is (Y/N), the girl I was telling you about."

"Ohh. She's the one you wanted to help get a dragon, right?"

You felt your breath catch in your throat. You couldn't have heard that right. Your heart was racing but you refused to let yourself believe it until you heard the auburn haired boy's reply.

"Yes. The one I was planning on surprising with that news. That's the one." The sarcasm in his voice was palpable, and you couldn't help but giggle.

"That was supposed to be a surprise? My bad." The blond boy's apology seemed half-hearted, but Hiccup didn't seem to linger on it and instead turned his attention back to you.

"Yeah, so. That's... That was the plan for today. You up for it?"

"Absolutely!" You blurted - cringing slightly at how unexpectedly loud your voice was.

"Great! Let's go get Fishlegs. We might be able to find some kinds that you'd get along with."

.:Astrid :.

Astrid left not long after breakfast, and you spent your day down at the docks, helping your friends try and repair the ship. The only thing you had achieved during your time there was discovering that all your efforts were completely futile, and you were as good as trapped on Berk. By the time you shuffled back into the Hofferson residence, you wanted nothing more than to resume that plan to sleep for the next month and a half straight. But you were caught walking through the door, by a cheery Mrs. Hofferson. 

"(Y/N)! Welcome back! Care to join us for dinner?"

You wanted to say no, you really did, but that would have been rude given how hopeful everyone looked. Including Astrid, who you were admittedly excited to have a chance to talk to again.

"I'd love to." You gave a weak smile and made your way to the table. You pulled out a chair across from Astrid. and before you could even reach to grab a plate, one was dropped in front of you, already covered with food. "Oh. Uh. Thank you."

"If you can't tell, they were hoping you'd say yes." The blonde across from you smirked.

"Y'know, I think I might have picked up on that." You replied with a giggle. "So, how was training?"

"Pretty good. Stormfly is getting better with those tight turns she was struggling with. You need to meet her sometime."

"I really do. She's a Nadder, right?"

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