lost pup 10

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Chapter 10

When I thought of the initiation I thought it would be some big ceremony that would involve the entire pack. Though what it really came down to was me the alpha along with Drew and Mick my second and third in command signing a document.

 The signing was seen over by the Elders who in turn signed the document also. The document simply stated that we had been recognised by the council as a pack and it my duty to protect my pack always.

The document had to be signed in blood binding us to the decision we had made in becoming a true pack.

After we had signed the document I called a pack meeting and showed the pack the document the clearing was filled with cheers and whistling my pack showing their happiness.

 Due to it being hot and the overall excitement we all decided a pack barbeque is what is best so we had at it celebrating into the night not me obviously I was only sixteen. I took the kids to bed and said goodnight.

The elders had already left saying that they had other business that needed to be taken care of but that they would return to see us again. I still remember Elder Drakes last words to me.

“We will be back young one I feel that we have much to learn from you”

I was brought out of my thoughts by a tug on my sleeve “sissy does this mean were all a real family know” Elise whispered hope clear in her eyes.

 I held both Evan and Elise close “we will always be family kiddo no matter what” I whispered back to both of them hoping they understood how much they meant to me.

This was just the start of something special I hadn’t really needed the recognition by the council to know we all were family but my pack had needed it. I promised that I would protect them all with my lives and that is a promise I am never going to break.

4 years later

I was fixing my hair it had been so long since we had become an official pack and I had just turned 20. Just remembering the celebrations was funny it seemed like everyone else had enjoyed themselves.

I had grown a few inches taller over the years and developed a bit of muscle from my training my deep brown hair was up to my waist. I realised I hadn’t changed that much because I already acted like an adult when I was 14 and first formed the pack. It seemed like so long ago.

I wasn't that same abused girl I was all those years ago know I was an alpha of one off the strongest packs.

It had been good for the pack especially the fighters there had become an increasing problem from rogues and hunters. Our pack had been asked by the council to help train the others since we were know ranked number 2.

I didn’t care much for the ranking system most packs would attack others just to have their pack move up the ladder. It is disgusting how they could do something so vicious just for power.  

 The reason why our pack is at the top is because we have the best fighters around even better then the silver shadow pack who are number 1.

I don’t really talk to the other alphas much I’m pretty sure only one other alpha actually knows that I am a women.

I had found it better to send Drew or Mick in my place to the alpha meetings I knew the fact that I was young and female would draw unwanted attention to my pack.

 Plus I just could never be bothered to deal with the politics of packs especially talking to self obsessed alphas. It is my personal idea of hell I would rather stay home and look after my pack.

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