lost pup 24

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Chapter 24

He was charging towards me with his body slightly tilted to my left with his hands stretched out. In that instant I knew what he was trying to do he was trying to use his weight difference and his height against me.

As soon as he was close enough I swiftly moved out of the way and he ended up charging head first into a tree. Laughter echoed throughout mine and Alek’s pack at his foolishness. I couldn’t help the small smile that crept onto my face.

What training had this alpha done he was clumsy and it showed through his movements what his next attack was going to be. He stood up from his position clutching his head a look of pure anger and hatred crossed his face as he charged me again and again with me dodging his attacks.

James was an alpha but it was clear to see who was superior he had strength and size on his side as he was about 6’2 but he did not count for the fact that I was smaller and had speed on my side and could easily avoid his advances.

After a few more of his lunges I made my move as he charged towards me I stepped out of the way bringing my hand forwards and punching him in the face. As his nose bled he tried to counter my attack with a punch of his own I dodged it and moved behind him and swept one of his legs out from underneath him so he was kneeling.

 I jumped up and punched him a few times in the face and kicked his stomach making him fall to the ground with a groan of pain.

I stood waiting for him to stand up but he just laid there I was shocked I knew I was good but I was expecting more from an alpha especially James who had been so confident of his abilities.

I looked to Alek he looked slightly shocked but hid it well the only reason I noticed it was because I could see it in his eyes.

I looked over my pack and saw that they were alertly watching the black wolf pack I felt a sense of pride that they had taken my warning so seriously.

I heard another groan from James who was still lying on the ground “why don’t you stop looking around and kill me already” he said pain lacing his voice.

All I could think was is this guy serious he was in this much pain from a few punches it was clear that he hadn’t been trained well at all if I could take him down in less than five minutes.

He wanted me to kill him and my wolf had wanted her revenge but still it felt wrong for us to take a life unless it was necessary.

Leave him we both feel it that it is not right for us to end his life this way we wish for revenge and we have defeated him and shown him who is more powerful it is not right for us to end his life with his mate watching us as well it will not just be harming him but his mate also.

At her words I looked towards James ex mate Tia who was in the arms of Amy and the European girl whose name I needed to learn. I could see the pain in her eyes it would hurt her if we ended James’s life even if they had not mated they were linked still.

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