lost pup 26

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Chapter 26

I took a breath and looked up trying to gather all the information in my head to try and figure out what to do first, if we were going to war then there was an endless amount of things that needed to be done to protect the pack.

“Okay Victor I need you Trevor and Daniel to look after the pack get those from the Arma pack treated for their wounds, fed and given places to sleep. I also need you to make sure the patrols are effective and double the wolves we need to be aware if there are any rogues near our borders”. I looked into his eyes to see him going through the list of things he needed to do.

He then bowed his head towards me with a quick ”yes alpha” and then he was gone out the door. I looked to see both Drew and Mick staring at me intently for my next instructions.

“As much as I would like to wait to hear what the elders have been keeping from us the pack safety is our highest priority”. I could see they both felt the same worry painted on their faces for their family and friends.

“Mick I need you to go and check the safe room so that it is well protected it needs to be restocked with extra food and medicine due to the increase of Alek’s pack and those from the Arma pack. I also need you to check the weapons room to see if we need to get any more equipment.”

Mick nodded and was about to walk out the door when I stopped him. “Mick can you also spread the word about a pack meeting tonight and make sure everyone knows it’s compulsory to attend and if you see Alek tell him to come to my office he needs to hear this as well.” With that he was out the door.

A sigh escaped my lips thinking of Alek I would have hoped that I would have been given the chance to get to know my mate in peace. But no a war just had to break out.

I turned to Drew and saw a frown on his face and before I said anything he said “just because I hurt my arm doesn’t mean I’m useless I saw how you gave those jobs to Victor and Mick not even looking my way and I can’t even do the patrol”.

I could hear the hurt in his voice it must be affecting him not being able to do all his beta duties.

“Drew the reason I kept you in here is because I have a job for you that’s important I need you to call our allies and call a meeting with them. I wasn’t going to give an important job like that to Victor plus you already have experience with our allies”.

As I finished I saw a touch of colour come to Drew’s cheeks he was embarrassed at his reaction.

“It’s okay Drew I know your frustrated you can’t do all your beta duties but can you do that task for me it’s important you get a meeting with them as soon as possible”.

He nodded his head and stood up “oh and Drew start with Alpha Danes from the crescent moon pack he’s the most likely to agree plus it will be fun to see him especially after last time” I giggled.

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