lost pup 31

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 Chapter 31


Sitting in the chair at the head of the table I couldn’t help but feel fear, who is dead?

 Everyone’s eyes were on Mick who was breathing heavily but otherwise seemed perfectly fine.

 “Mick....... who is dead?” I asked in a small whisper dreading the answer could it Kevin or Evan who is it?

“Alpha its ...........Victor” Mick said I could see the mask he had placed across his face crack as the anguish underneath was clear for all to see.

I couldn’t get my head around it Victor was dead.

He had just turned nineteen; he hadn’t even had the chance to meet his mate yet his life had not even begun how he could be gone.

I stood up unable to process what I was being told my emotions were all over the place I felt like curling up into a ball and crying.

As I stood for what seemed like hours in the same position my head down unwilling to show others what I was feeling. Though I had forgotten there was already someone in the room that could read me like a book.

His large hand wrapped around my smaller daintier one and he gave it a small squeeze. Alek pulled me closer to him lifting my head so I could look him in the eyes.

 I could see the pain in his eyes for it had already begun we had just found out about this war that was inevitable and we had already lost Victor before it had actually begun.

I took a deep breath as I looked into his eyes calming myself I could not stand hear and weep for my loss when I had a pack to take care of. My focus would have to be on taking care of the rest of my pack I had already failed Victor but I would not fail anyone else.

I turned towards Drew “Take Elder Drake to his rooms and escort the other alphas to their rooms also we will have a meeting after I am bought up to date on what has happened today This meeting is dismissed” I spoke my voice surprisingly strong disguising the inner turmoil I was feeling.

As The alphas piled out they all offered their condolences, Alek never left my side as the last of the alphas left the room I motioned for Mick to come closer.

“Mick tell me how this has happened” I said in a demanding tone.

“Alpha were not sure exactly what happened but what we do know is that Victor went missing a few hours ago he was taking his patrol and for some reason he deviated from the patrol path.”

Mick took a deep breath I dreaded what he was going to say next for I could see the tears that were trying to escape from his eyes.

I knew that Mick saw Victor as another son Victor didn’t have any blood family so the pack made it their job to be his family but Mick had grown especially close to Victor.

  “Alpha ....... Leila we sent out a search party to find him because he wasn’t responding to through the pack link, Trevor.... he found Victor and he was..........he.......um.....he...”

 I could see tears dripping down his face I moved my hand to his shoulder and squeezed and waited for him to compose himself before we talked.

I wished that I could just fall apart and cry but I couldn’t I have a responsibility to my pack to look after them and wallowing in grief would not help them.

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