lost pup 32

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Chapter 32

It was finally time to show those rogues and hunters that they should never have messed with us. Though there was something that was still troubling my mind.

The descendant of the wicked queen was know the leader of the rogues and hunters this therefore meant that they would be extremely powerful with him but without him they would be useless.

The only problem I saw was that I had to separate him from his followers but how is that possible if I don’t even know his name or what he looks like.

It had been an hour since my speech with the other alphas and soon after they had all followed my lead and gone to speak with their packs. It was the worst pain imaginable having to inform those in my pack who had not heard about victors death there were tears shed.

I could feel their pain through the pack link but I couldn’t stay long to comfort them so I left that duty to Drew and went to talk to the other alphas.

We had quickly decided on our defence tactics as well as tactics to both strengthen our packs and patrol along with a more advanced training regime.

It helped that Drew was somewhat healed and could go back to his duties of training our pack members.

After dismissing the alpha meeting I left to go to my office I needed to sort through whatever was going through my head.

It felt like I had just found Kevin a day ago and know I could possibly lose him along with my new found mate. I couldn’t help the tears that had escaped; those tears that were know rolling down my cheeks.

 I never thought that I would meet someone as amazing as Alek and the possibility of losing him was just too painful to conceive. All of a sudden I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist pulling me close, holding me tight.

I didn’t need to turn around to find out whose arms were wrapped around me.

“Il mio amore, why are you crying?” Alek asked while pulling me tighter into his hold. I twisted my body not wanting to lose the opportunity of being in his arms for as long as possible.

I could see the worried expression on his face as he took in my tear stained face.

“This war is going happening Alek and I could lose both you and Kevin I....I.....I don’t know if I can handle losing you when I haven’t even had the chance to get to know you” I whimpered.

Alek’s face looked pained as he understood my worry for our future is uncertain. Alek slowly moved his hands upwards from my waist over my body to my face making me shiver at his close proximity as he gently wiped away my tears.

I had always secretly dreamed of a moment like this were a man would actually care that much about me that he wouldn’t care if my nose was bright red from crying or that my eyes were swollen. He would simply care for me no matter what. As I looked into Alek’s eyes I could see the love he held for me and the care as he gently lowered his head and pressed his lips against mine.

He pulled me closer with his hand cupping my cheek deepening the kiss giving me a taste of him as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. As the kiss turned rougher he backed me onto my desk lifting me from my thighs so I was closer to his height. I let him guide me through this new development in our relationship. He had more experience than I did, the kiss lasted what seemed like hours until I had to break the kiss as I gasped for air.

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