Niall Imagine for Helen<3

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It was Christmas Eve and You and Niall were getting everything ready, The boys were coming over in the morning. You were putting the Christmas decorations on the tree when Niall came in and started to help

"Ni? Can you put on the lights please?" You asked

"Yeah sure Princess" He said. He grabbed the Lights and started to untangle them while you walked into the kitchen to get the Turkey out to cook.

"Um...Helen!" Niall shouted

"Yes Ni?"

"Bit of help please?"

You walked in and saw Niall on the floor tangled in the lights. You giggled at him and he just tried getting out.

"Hang on" You said

You walked over to him and started to help him out. He was nearly out when the door went, You walked to the door

"Helen! Help me!" Niall yelled again

"Wait Niall, I need to answer the door!"

You opened the door to see the boys

"Boys? your not supposed to be here until tomorrow!" You said surprised

"But we just couldn't wait any longer!" Louis yelled

"Well come in!" you said.

They walked in and all started to laugh, why? You walked in and Niall was still tangled and the boys were laughing on the floor

"Helen! please can you help me!" He said whining

"Oh alright!"

You finally got him out and Liam the sensible one, he put the lights on with the help of Zayn. You walked into the kitchen and heard the boys laughing and then

"LOUIS!" Zayn yelled

"DONT TOUCH THE HAIR!" Zayn yelled again

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Louis squealed and ran into the kitchen.

"SAVE ME HELEN!" Louis said hiding behind you.

"IM SO GLAD YOU LOT ARE NOT SLEEPING TONIGHT!" You yelled over the noise

"Well...About that" Harry said

"I kind of said they could stay the night" Niall said

"Ahhh that's okay!" you said


"Hey Princess? What would you really really want for Christmas?" Niall asked

"Nothing I just want you" You said

He smirked at you and said


You all sat down of the sofa when Harry said

"Hey lets watch a Christmas movie!"

"Hands up for Elf!" Liam said

You all raised your hands and Zayn put the film in.

You sat on Niall's lap while he was eating popcorn and snuggled into his chest and watched the film.


You started to get tired and started to fall asleep on Niall.

"Lads me and Helen are going upstairs now, Grab the spare blankets in the spare room"

You felt yourself being lifted up and also heard Louis say

"Now, Now Niall Don't be doing things you shouldn't"

"Shut up or you will be sleeping in the shed" he said

You got carried up the stairs and Niall put you down on the bed and pulled the blanket over you. A few minutes later you felt the covers being lifted and a warm body press against yours. You felt 2 arms wrap around your body and you turned around and snuggled into his chest

"Night Princess, I love you" He whispered

"Night Ni, I Love you too" You whispered back

And you fell asleep in his arms.


You woke up and The bed was empty...No Niall? You went into the bathroom and realised it was Christmas! You put on your slippers and walked downstairs and could hear the boys laughing. You walked in and giggled at what you saw

"Li? What are you doing to my Niall?" You asked


"IM YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT HELEN!" Niall yelled Proudly while wrapped up with tape and a card stuck to the front of him

"Merry Christmas Helen!" The other boys yelled

"Merry Christmas boys"

You walked up to Niall

"Can I open my present now?"

Niall chuckled at kissed you on the lips

"KEEP IT PG!" Louis yelled

"Louis when I get out of this tape, Your dead" Niall said

Louis ran behind Harry

"Haz! Niall is going to kill me!"

"No he won't BooBear!" Harry squealed

"Can we just all open out presents...Like normal people!" Zayn said

"Like your normal!" Louis said laughing

"shut up Lou!" he said back

You all went around the tree and each handed each other presents,

"OMG A NEW MIRROR!" Zayn yelled

"A CARROT JUMPER!" Louis yelled

"A NEW BATMAN JUMPER!" Liam yelled

"A NEW KAZOO!" Harry yelled


You sat there while everyone had smiles on their faces. The boys stopped and looked at Niall and then to you

"Well Niall?" Liam said

Niall got up out of his seat and turned towards you, He got down on one knee and pulled out a box. You started to cry because you knew what was coming next,

"Helen, I feel like I have known you forever. I love you with all my heart and I will never stop. I would give up Nandos for you-"

"Now that's serious" Zayn said

"Ruining the moment!" Louis yelled

"So would you do me the honour and please be my wife and Marry me?"

You couldn't speak, your mouth was open and moving but no words were coming out.

"YES NIALL, A MILLION TIMES YES!" You screamed at last

"Thank god! I thought you were going to say no...Is the food ready?"

You all started laughing

"Yes Niall, Come on lets eat!"

You all ate your food and played games and watched films for the whole day.


Sorry Me_Again/Helen if you didn't like it

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