Zayn Imagine<3

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You walked through the corridors of school, dragging Your feet behind you. you we're damaged, depressed. Ever since you've been bullied and your dad passed away, you was never happy. No one spoke to you, or even acknowledge you at all; only the bullies who push you around and abuse you, mentally and physically.You sigh as your bullies storm up to you and push you to the ground,

"Watch where you going, freak. No one likes you! No wonder your dad passed away, he wanted to be away from you! You're worthless!" He kicked you in the ribs and the others did too.

You started sobbing for the first time; Ever since it all started because realisation hit you. You was and are still worthless. Everyone watched what happened; Even Zayn and his best mates, Liam, Harry, Niall and Louis. Zayn used to be your best friend when you was little; You even developed feelings for him until everything changed and he didn't want to hang out with you anymore because it would ruin his reputation.

You wiped your eyes before standing up; grabbing your stuff before walking out of school. You couldn't do it anymore; Today was the day that you was to end everything. Forever. You quickly ran back home, making sure Your mum was at work before heading up to your room, writing your final note to everyone - hoping that they would get it. Your first letter was to your family so you wrote about everything that's happened, telling them how sorry you are and how much you love them before starting Zayn's. 

Dear Zayn,

I know you don't want anything to do with me anymore because of your 'reputation', I also know you probably won't care anymore but I have to tell you this. I don't know what happened that made you choose not to hang around me, we were inseparable and I thought you had my back. But when I started to get bullied after my fathers death, you didn't want anything to do with me anymore. Why? Were you ashamed of me? Embarrassed? Might as well tell you now, I have always loved you. Always. But now, I'm even more broken then ever. Today I'm going to end it all; end all the misery. I'm sorry for whatever I did that made you not like me anymore. Bye..


You folded up the letters and placed them in different envelopes. You placed the one for your family on the kitchen table and then walked two doors down; placing it in Zayn's letter box. You looked at his house one last time and as you was about to walk away, you heard laughter down the street. You looked to your right to see that it was Zayn and his friends so you quickly ran back to your house and into the bathroom locking the door behind you. You opened up the cupboard to find a bottle of pills. You quickly grabbed it and opened it, just as you heard Zayn yelling,

"Y/N! Open up!" He was right outside the bathroom.

You started to cry again as you took at least 10 or so pills and swallowed it. Zayn kicked the door open and his friends were behind him with worried faces. The first thing Zayn saw was the bottle of pills which was almost empty,

"Y/N.. No..please tell me you didn't.." A tear slid down his cheek.

White blotches filled your vision,

"like you left me.." It was the last thing you saw before you passed out.

You woke up to see white, thinking that everything ended until you felt someone squeeze your hand. You blinked a couple of times; adjusting to the light before looking at who's holding your hand. It was Zayn. He was crying and hasn't noticed that you've woken up. His friends were also looking down with frowns on their faces. Zayn let out a sob,

"Please y/n..wake up. I'm so so sorry..I shouldn't have abandoned you when you needed me. I'm so sorry. I was just afraid of my feelings towards you. I-I love you, y/n..if you wake up, I promise that ill never leave your side ever again and that I can help you get through this..I'll love you and take care for you..please..wake up." He cried

Your heart broke hearing his vulnerable side and that he loved you, making you cry along with him. Although you was weak, you lightly squeezed his hand,

"''s okay. I forgive you and I l-love you too..I'm sorry." More tears ran down your face as he quickly looked at me with wide eyes,

"y/n! You're awake, thank god! If..if you left I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. You have nothing to be sorry for! I'm just so happy that you're alive!"

You slowly raised my hand to wipe away his tears and frowned,

"Zayn, it wasn't your fault about why I tried to attempt it so please don't blame yourself.."

He quickly but gently gave you a hug as his friends walked to the other side of you. Liam held your other hand,

"We're glad that you're alive, y/n and we're so sorry we didn't do anything about it. You were Zayn's best friend but we took him away from you."

You smiled and squeezed his hand,

"It's okay."

After a little conversation, the Nurse came in to check everything and told everyone to leave so You can get some rest. 

Two weeks later, you was out and a month later everything turned back to normal. No one was bullying you anymore and you couldn't have done it without your loving boyfriend, Zayn and your new best friends; Liam, Louis, Niall and Harry


Message: Never Believe That You Are Worthless And Take Your Own Life Because You Think No One Cares... I Care, They care, Someone Always Cares♥♥♥

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