Liam Imagine <3

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You and Liam broke up 3 years ago over something stupid but lead to this. You were pregnant that night with his baby, you were going to tell him but he kept shouting and walked out so you never got the chance. Now you are living with your 2 and a half year old daughter Taylor.

You got dressed and got Taylor dressed too, You put Taylor in her car seat and got in the car yourself and drove to Starbucks. You got there and took Taylor out the seat and carried her in. You ordered a hot chocolate and gave Taylor a bottle of Milk. you paid and sat down.

"Mummy!" Taylor said

"Yes baby?" you said

"Why dow'nt I how've a daddy?" She asked cutely

You were stuck for words, you didn't think this would come yet.

"You don't need a daddy, you have me!" You said. As you said that the door opened and in came 5 boys...One of them Liam. You turned and faced away quick as possible but not quick enough,

"Y/N!" Louis yelled...Crap!

"Um hey Lou"  You said.

"How are you doing, and who is this!" He asked

Can you lie to him? No you can't.

"Um well this is my daughter Taylor" you said trailing off

"And who is the lucky dad?" He asked excitedly

"Liam" you mumbled quietly

"Who?" He asked

"Liam" You said louder

You looked at him and he looked like he had a slapped face.

"Does he know? She looks a lot like him" he said

"No, I tried telling him but he kept shouting and walked out" you explained

"Well I think its about time he knew" he said

You nodded and picked Taylor up and walked over to the boys with Louis. The boys saw you and you got greeted by them except Liam, he just stared at Taylor.

"Um Li?" Louis said

"Y-yes?" He stuttered

"Y/n wants to tell you something" He said

Liam looked at you and you could feel a lump in your throat.

"Umm, Liam s-say hello to Taylor, y-y-your daught-ter" You stuttered. He didn't say anything but he also looked like he had a slapped face as well as Harry, Niall and Zayn. He didn't say anything, you couldn't keep the tears in. You ran out Starbucks with Taylor and ran to the car. You were nearly there when someone pulled your arm. You didn't have time to look because you felt a pair of lips on yours. He pulled away and saw a teary Liam.

"W-why didn't you tell m-me" He asked

"You didn't give me chance" You say looking down

"Mummy, ooo is that man?" She asked

You took a deep breath and finally said

"Taylor, this is your daddy" you said.

Her face lit up with a big smile. She reached out to Liam and you let go and Liam finally had her in his arms. He started to cry and he hugged Taylor and she hugged back.

You saw the boys exit Starbucks.

"Hey Taylor, go wait by Uncle Niall, Uncle Harry, Uncle Louis and Uncle Zayn!" Liam said. Taylor waddled along to the boys and Liam looked at you in the eyes. You wanted to be with him so badly but didn't know if he wanted to.

"Y/n, I missed everything about you and even Taylors birth. I know what I did that night was wrong and I'm so sorry I didn't let you speak, but can we please start again...As a family?" he asked, tears falling. You looked at him again and you two were getting closer, your faces inched apart until you touched. You felt sparks and butterfly's explode in your stomach. He pulled away and the both of you were smiling.

"So Y/n would you be my girlfriend again?" He asked

"Thought you would never ask" you replied.

You felt the same pair of lips on yours again but this time Butterflies exploded x2 in your stomach. You pulled apart and looked at the boys and they all had smiles on their faces.

"Come on, lets go" Liam said intertwining your hand with his. You walked over to the boys and they all started to cheer. Zayn handed Taylor to Liam and you drove home to your house.

"You know what?" Liam said

"What?" you said

"I was broken after that night, Now i cant believe that i am back with the one I love" he said.

you blushed and looked down, you looked back and Taylor was asleep in the back seat. You pulled up and got Taylor out and Liam put her to bed. You went up to your room and got into bed.

You started to fall asleep when you felt the covers being lifted up and strong secure arms wrapping around your waist. You turned to face Liam and he planted a kiss on your lips.

"I love you y/n" he said

"I love you too Liam" you said and fell asleep in his arms.


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