Louis Imagine <3

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The last few days you have been throwing up but Louis was on tour but is coming back later tonight. You decided to go and get a pregnancy test from the pharmacy and see if you are pregnant or not. You rang your best friend to ask if she could come with you (lets just call your best friend Calli).

you-"Hey Calli can you come somewhere with me pretty please with a cherry on top?"

Calli-"yeah sure! where too?"

You-"pharmacy" you mumbled



Calli-"ahhhhhhh! okay be at yours soon!"

You got ready and was worried what will happen if you were, you didn't want Louis to leave you. You grabbed your phone, bag and purse and then the doorbell rang. You opened it to see Calli and you both went to the Pharmacy. You got there and was looking for them and you found the tests and grabbed 4 and got strange looks from people.

"That would be £10.99 please" the keeper said

you handed him the money and you and Calli went to your house. You were quite worried and your hands were shaking and getting sweaty and Calli noticed

"Hey y/n it's going to be fine" she said

"But what if Louis leaves me" you say

"If he does he is a dick" she said. You got to your house and instantly ran upstairs and locked the bathroom door. You got all 4 tests out and did what you had to do (not going into detail)

You waited and waited and then you looked at all 4 tests and they said

+ Positive

+ Positive

+ Positive

+ Positive

That was it, you were pregnant, You unlocked the bathroom door and saw Calli but you ran past her into the bedroom and shoved all 4 tests in the draw

"Um what are you doing?" Calli asked

"Putting the tests in the draw so Louis will not see them!" you said

"Well he has to know sometime" She sang

"I know, I know but no now I don't want him to leave me!" you yelled

"He wont don't worry, well I have to go" Calli said while leaving the house

"Bye" you said.

She left the house and it was 7pm already and Louis would be home at 8. You decided to tidy up the house a little bit for when he comes home. You started in the kitchen, Then living room, then bedroom, then bathroom and FINISHED!

It was 7:50pm so you decided to just sit down and watch TV. Things were crossing your mind like what if he does leave you...should you leave? You got up quickly and got your bag and shoved loads of clothes in and got 2 off the positive tests and put one in your bag and one in your back pocket. You grabbed your phone and purse and a picture of you and Louis together and ran to the front door. You unlocked it and ran out down the street

"Y/N!" It was Louis.

You didn't stop running but the test fell out of your pocket but you didn't stop. you were about to run around the corner when you saw Louis pick up the test and put his hand over his mouth. He looked at you and you started to run, you looked back and Louis was running after you. You tried to run faster but Louis is too fast for you. Tears started to fall.

You kept going but you felt 2 strong arms stopping you from running. He turned you around and made you look him in the eyes.

"What are you doing!" he said

You looked down but he pushed your chin up lightly,

"I'm pregnant Lou!" You yelled

"Why did you run!" he yelled

"BECASUE YOU WOULD LEAVE ME IF YOU FOUND OUT!" You yelled trying to get out his grip

"What! No I wouldn't!" he yelled. You looked at him surprised but you saw his eyes starting to tear up.

"Please don't go! I want to be with you! I will look after the baby...Just please don't go" he pleaded.

You hugged him and you started to cry and he picked you up and took you back to the house. You went up to your room and got the other 2 tests and sat down staring at them. Louis walked in and he smiled. He made his way over to you

"How long have you known?" he asked

"Today" you say

"I love you y/n" he said and kissed you passionately. You two stayed like that for a while and then pulled away

"I love you too Lou" you said.

"And don't ever think of me leaving you again" he said

You nodded and smiled

He smiled and led down on the bed and you led next to him. You and Louis were both talking about what to call the baby, painting the bedroom etc.


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