Harry Imagine For Elin <3

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You and Harry are having a tough week, Fighting constantly over little things. He has been busy with The Recording studio and he never has time to see you. He is going on tour soon and that won't help.

The never ending roumers spreading across the world and the seporation between you two. Was he even your boyfriend anymore? You were having doubts, You havent had a doubts since the relationship started. You could only take so much of the hate and distance.

You finished work early, you had too much on your mind. You decided to go home and wait for Harry. You needed to talk to him. To talk to him about the relationship. Is it worth having this relationship last?

Soon you heard the front door open and close, You got of the bed and went to walk downstairs but heard Harry talking. You decide to sit at the top and listen. You see the other boys walk into the living room and sit down...Harry spoke up

"I'm loosing her..." He said trailing off, Voice filled with pain. He puts his head in his hands and takes deep breaths

"I dont know if I can make her stay, And fix this" He spoke again, pain still filled his voice. A tear slid down his cheek but he wiped it away.

Zayn placed his hand on his shoulder

"You two have been throught too much, You cant give up on her, You have to fight for her if you love her" Zayn spoke softly

He had more tears straming down his face and buried his head in his hands again

"I Have done everything I can but somethings I just cant controll! I cant change the tour dates or out scheduals!" Harry yelles

"This is my life now...If I loose it because of her...I cant" He says not being able to finish the scentence. Zayn patts his back not able to say anything else

You walk downstairs

"Harry..." You say. His eyes met yours He got up and walked over to you. The boys were staring at you but you aated like they wasnt. All you were thinking about was harry. You heard everything.

"Your not going to loose me, I'm not going anywhere" You say as he stares in your eyes

"Im sorry, I just forget how  much you love me" You say with a smile

He laughes and you wipe the tears of his face

"I love you Baby" He said and pulled you into a kiss, Fireworks and butterlies filled your stomach...They were still there, He pulled away and you buried your head in his neck

"I love you too Harry" you mumble. The room was soon filled with a load of awwww's

You all sat down, Watching films. That was the first time in ages you and Harry have spent some time together. The boys soon went home leaving you and Harry alone. You voth stayed silent enjoying eachoths company.

"Elin...Im sorry about all this. The distance, The hate and just everything." Harry said

"I know, It's fine, I have realised that having a boyfriend that is a huge popstar means less time" You say

" I just want you to know, I love you, How ever far I am" He said and kissed your lips.


Sorry it's short and sorry if you dont like it :/

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