Chapter 13

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Steve's sweaty hand reached for the large door knocker which was placed on the centre of the large wooden door. His body already feeling the exhaustion of the long bide ride from his apartment to Bucky's house. His body sweaty from the heat trapped between the many layers protecting him from the frostbitten weather and his hot body. He heard shuffling and mumbled words behind the thick door, his breathing beginning to return back to its normal pace, he was forever grateful for his strong heart which helped his breathing recover quickly. All the hours spent in the gym had finally paid off.

The door swung open revealing the large corridor in which Bucky stood, a small smile and a friendly hello was shared between the boys, before Bucky led Steve through to his room, a room which Steve had not yet seemed. Every time Steve came to Bucky's house they worked in a different room, Steve still couldn't believe that they hadn't worked in every room yet!

Bucky flopped onto his king sized bed, which still managed to leave tons of room left. His body melted into the warm duvet, Steve sat down on the expensive looking chair which was next to Bucky's desk. Steve's eyes scanned the large expanse of room until his eyes settled onto the old-fashioned looking record player with a large stack of vinyl records.

"You can choose some music if you want," Bucky had noticed the way Steve's eye had become fixated on his quite impressive looking record collection. "I warn you though I don't have much modern music, most of the stuff I own is from the 1940's. Somehow through the war they still managed to produce beautiful music!" Steve nodded in agreement, but he couldn't contain his love for the music legends of the 40's; Nat King Cole and Ella Fitzgerald were his favourites. A large smile filled Bucky's face as he saw Steve reach for an Ella Fitzgerald album. "Good choice, she's my favourite!"

The boys began to work on their project with the infamous jazz sounds of Ella Fitzgerald floating through the air. Time quickly caught up with them and it was soon time that Steve began thinking about leaving having felt like he had over stayed his welcome.

"You can stay longer if you want?" Bucky didn't want Steve to leave, enjoying his company too much but he to stood up knowing that Steve would decline and insist that he needed to get home and that he had again overstayed his welcome. Steve did exactly that, whilst packing up his small collection of things that he had brought with him.

"You were at the football match on Friday night," Bucky's checks turned a deep shade of red at the mention of Friday night "why didn't you come and say hi, I didn't even know that you were going to come. I thought that you thought football was pointless!" A smile tugged at Steve's lips as he remembered a previous conversation shared between them.

"In all honesty I don't know, one minute I was here and the next I was standing behind the bleachers watching you play." The gap between the boys was closing in on them, leaving only a tiny gap between them. Bucky's eyes fell down to Steve's lips before looking back at his shinning eyes. He hadn't realised until now that there were specks of green between the blue orbs.

Steve couldn't help but want to know what it would feel like having Bucky's lips attached to his, with Bucky's hands around his small waist whilst his playing with the long strands of brown hair between his fingers, pulling him so close that nothing could fit between them, their bodies fitting together so perfectly like a jigsaw.
Bucky's head tilted to the side as he leaned in even closer until their lips met. Steve was so absorbed in imagining what it would be like to kiss Bucky that it took him a while to realise that Bucky was actually kissing him. Their lips melded perfectly together, Steve's hands reached for Bucky's soft checks.

His hands hovered above his checks, millimetres away from touching them, when two strong hands touched his chest. With an almighty push Bucky shoved Steve away, his lips already missing Steve's, his lips already missing the warmth they offered.

But the way his lips moved didn't look as if they were missing Steve's. "What do you think you're doing? I'm not gay you faggot!" Bucky's hands were flailing around, "leave!" he shouted. "I don't want to ever see you again, get out of my house and go back to your scummy apartment with your scummy family!" Tears fell out of both of their eyes, dripping onto the expensive carpet.

Steve grabbed his bag as he raced down the stairs, out the large door and onto his bike. He peddled as fast as he could, with tears constantly falling from his eyes, blurring his vision. But as much as wanted to forget he couldn't forget the feeling of Bucky's lips on his, yet again thoughts of Bucky filled his mind, filling the empty void of space.

The Star Spangled Lovers - Stucky AU [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now