Chapter 24

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"You ok sweetie?" Bucky's mom asked while glancing over with a worried expression etched on her face. It took all of Bucky's strength to nod out a reply and mumble a "yeah" under his breath. Bucky hated lying to his mother and a lie this obvious was even harder. He wasn't ok, all he wanted to do was too hid under his covers and never have to face the world again. The idea of telling his mom about Richard made him tremble with fear.

But he knew he needed to tell her, he couldn't let this carry on any longer and risk hurting his mother even more. As much as he hated Richard he knew that his mother loved him. He just needed to wait till they reached home and then he would tell her before she got out the car.

Bucky's leg bounced nervously for the whole journey and his metal fingers aimlessly tapped on the bouncing thigh whilst his nails from his other hand were being bitten. His mother could tell that something was wrong but as much as she asked and tried to coax it out of her son, he kept brushing it off.

After what felt like an eternity but also a blink of an eye the car pulled up outside their house. Richard's Bentley sat on the drive in its usual place signalling that he was home. There was no way he could let his mom walk in there, into his loving arms and let him serenade her with fake love.

"Mom wait," Bucky managed to breathe out just as his mom was reaching for the handle, "I need to tell you something." Bucky couldn't bear to look at his mom, his gaze fixated on the basketball hop that stood in their driveway not having been used for years.

"What is it darling, you know you can tell me anything." Anne grabbed Bucky's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze which only left Bucky mumbling some Russian curses between heavy breaths.

It took another two minutes before Bucky attempted to speak again. "List-" "M'sorry" "Richard" every time Bucky tried explaining what had happened e couldn't form the right words but his mom kept squeezing his hand and rubbing her delicate thumb over his knuckle, just like how she used to do when he was younger and needed calming down after a nightmare or from where he had fallen over. After taking a deep breath he attempted again. "Richard slept with another women!" The words finally tumbled out of Bucky's mouth but not in the way he wanted them too. "I'm sorry Mom, I came home last night and I saw him on your bed with another woman, I'm so sorry." Tears were falling from Bucky's eyes but when he glanced over to his mom her jaw was so tight and the look on her eyes was something that Bucky had never seen before. Pure hatred filled her emotions and anger ran through her blood.

Before Bucky could comprehend what was happening his mother had opened the car door and was storming over to the front door, her high heels stomping on the paving storms. Bucky quickly got out the car and grabbed both his bag and his mom's. Once he reached his mom she had opened the front door.

"How could you, you dirty scum of a man. I trusted you after you knew how much that would take. I fucking married you, we have a daughter together or did that just fucking escape your mind whilst you were fucking god knows how many other women. In our fucking bed as well!

"Did you just fuck them during the day and then allowed me to sleep next to you were you had only just had your cock inside someone else a couple of hours before hand. Did you think that I wouldn't find out or did you think you would just be able to get away with it for the rest of your life? Did you ever go away on business trips to actually do any work or was all too just hook up with your latest whore. And then you had the audacity to waltz back in here and pretend you were a fucking saint.

"I want you out of here within the next hour, I don't care where you go but I never want to see you again!" Scarlett had come down stairs after hearing her mother scream at the top of the lungs and tears were falling down her checks after hearing what her father had done.

"Anne listen I can explain. I still love you. We can fix this. We'll go to a marriage counsellor and they can help." Richard tried pleading with Anne, tried grabbing her hands but she just pulled them away with a disgusted look on her face. In an instant Richard stopped pleading with Anne and stopped trying to win back her love and turned towards Bucky, rage now filling his eyes. "You!" he shouted "You told her, of course you had to go and get your fucking gay arse involved, you faggot!" He grabbed his phone and car keys and left the house with as much as dignity as he could have, which was very little.

"Are you not even going to fucking apologise" Anne screamed out whilst Richard was still in ear shoot. "I never want to see you again"

"Me neither" Scarlett shouted as well shocking Anne and Sebastian at her revelation.

As soon as his car had left the drive Anne collapsed onto the floor and all the pent up tears fell from her eyes. It didn't take long for both Scarlett and Bucky to wrap their arms around her and join her on the floor with tears streaming down their checks.

They stayed like that for an hour, with nobody needing to say anything but they all knew how sorry they all were. Bucky was the first to say something, breaking the silence that had clouded over them, "I love you mom, I love you Scarlett, I love you girls so much. I promise that I will look after you as best as I can and I will never let a scumbag into our family again." He pressed a kiss to each off their heads before standing up and pulling them with him. Bucky and Scarlett where pulled into a tight hug by their mom and eventually the tears had stopped falling from her eyes.

"Chinese anyone?" Bucky proposed the question with his cheeky smirk on his face, which just earned him a smack to the chest from his mom and a playful shove from Scarlett but Anne was already heading over to the draw where they kept the takeaway menu's and pulled out the one for their local Chinese.

They spent the evening eating copious amounts of Chinese and ice cream while drinking bottles of red wine and watching some shitty show on the TV. At this moment Anne realised that she didn't need a man to make her happy all she needed were her two loving children. Ok and maybe a bottle of red wine!


Hey guys,

Happy Stucky Sunday! I hope you had a good weekend.

I hope you enjoyed, even if it was a bit emotional,

Izzy xx

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