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Copyright © Filipa Tavares and Nanci Fidalgo 2014


Did you ever think that stories that you read or stories that you've heard of about powers are actually true?

Did you ever think that somewhere in this world can exist someone that can really control the elements?

Maybe books and films are not that fictional after all.

Maybe those stories that we read and catch ourselves thinking that it is only the author's imagination are true.

Maybe there are those four heroes, or even more, with the power to control the elements.

Maybe there are those four people with powers, but they don't show them, so that their lives are as normal as possible.

And it's here that our story begins.

Our heroes don't live in the "Magic World" where everyone has a power and where everyone goes to a special school to learn how to control them correctly. They live in an ordinary town, they go to school like normal people, they spend their free time on their laptops just like normal teenagers... But with them, they bring a big secret that separates them from the ordinary.

Each one of them has a power, a gift, that they control and use in times of need or, most of the times, because they want to.

Bethany Delaware

Zachary Johnson

Francis James

Peter Gayle

Thomas Jackson

These will be our heroes, for now, because you'll never know when destiny will knock on your door and change everything.


Do you think that 10 years ago they thought that their future will be like this? If for once you thought so, you were very wrong.

10 years ago they were all in an orphanage, different orphanages, some of them actually really far away from each other, but destiny was stronger and wanted them to get together.

So, in the same week, they were all adopted, by different parents, and they all moved to the same building, they went to the same school, and they became best friends.

Since the day they met, and until today, nothing has never separated them from each other.

They spent their time in their secret place: the building's roof. Sometimes, they still go there, but now they are normally rounded on technology. But their friendship is still very strong, as it always was.

Every morning they would walk to school together and every afternoon they walked home together. And, usually, after school, they would do their homework or play video games together.

They lived their lives in an ordinary way, like there was no difference between them and everyone else. But they knew that there were some. They just hid them. Hiding them was the only way that people wouldn't treat them differently, and not because these powers were a bad or embarrassing thing, because they were the best thing that has ever happened to them and they know it.

Every single one of them remembers the day they found out they had powers, and as always, they found them together. Francis was the first one, then Zachary, then Bethany and Peter and finally Thomas. Like everything in their lives, they kept them as a secret. They are the only ones that know about these powers.

But maybe that is about to change, because these 5 friends have always been destined to be heroes, but they still don't know that yet. And it's here that the biggest adventure of their lives is about to start...

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