Chapter 1 - Strange meetings on the roof

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Chapter 1

Copyright © Filipa Tavares and Nanci Fidalgo 2014

5 years ago

Francis just got out of the football match from his school tourney. As always, he was feeling tired and the strong wind that was forming outside wasn't helping. Francis' mother was still working so he had to walk home, what left him even more tired.

He had already walked home, and entered it, when he tripped in his brother's playing car:

''Stupid car!'' he thought.

And that's when he saw that had made an injury in his hand. Even if it was only a small injury, it was still hurting, a lot.

Francis blew his hand trying to make the pain go away. That's when he felt a windy felling going around him, as he was outside again, but he wasn't. He stopped blowing and, at the same time, that weird felling suddenly stopped. Francis had no idea what just happened; he was extremely confused. He blew his hand again, just like nothing happened. But that windy felling came back. Francis stopped blowing and, once again, that felling stopped. He did this several times again and the same thing always happened, the wind started and stopped at the same time as his blow.

Even if he was only a kid and even if he watched a lot of cartoons, he knew that it was impossible to someone to control the wind.

But he was getting suspicious, so he stopped blowing and he started shaking his hand, at the same time as he walked towards the bathroom, to go get a band aid.

And that's when he noticed that he wasn't on the ground anymore, he was hovering in the air. And he realized, in that exact moment, that it wasn't a coincidence and something really bad was wrong with him.

And this time, he couldn't stop shaking his hand, well, if he did it, he was taking the risk of falling on the ground. So he slowly shaking stopped his hand and, in a few minutes, he was on the ground again.

Francis was extremely confused but, at the same time, excited with everything that had just happened.

We'll meet on the roof! It's urgent!

He wrote in a message that he sent to his friends.

Five minutes later, they were all in the roof, without knowing the reason why Francis called them.

''What happened?'' asked Peter.

''You are not going to believe this!''' Francis exclaimed, not knowing how to tell them what happened. He took a deep breath and continued ''I have powers... Like, magic powers!''

The four friends looked at him, with amazed looks, after looking at each other. Then they started laughing hysterically.

''What's so funny? I'm serious!''

''Francis, you know that you can tell us anything. But it's impossible for anyone to have powers.'' said Bethany, in a sweet tone, trying not to laugh again.

''Yeah! And what would you power by anyways? Super stupidity?'' asked Zachary, while he and the other boys were laughing.

Francis took a deep breath, and he started blowing, with an extreme force. And, at the same time, a wind started, a really strong wind. And then, he stopped, as well as the wind.

''You see? It was me! I did this wind!''

''It could've been just a coincidence...'' said Thomas.

Then, Francis shook his hand and he started ''flying''. His friends looked at him, amazed. Then he got back to the solid ground, carefully.

''That was...'' started Peter ''AWESOME! How did you do that?''

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