Chapter 3 - Meeting Alaska

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 Chapter 3 

Copyright © Filipa Tavares and Nanci Fidalgo 2014

At the moment

The 5 friends were walking home. They had a very tiring day. It was getting dark, what was extremely weird because it was 5 o'clock.

''Don't you think it's odd?'' Thomas asked, more to himself than to his friends.

''What is odd?'' Peter asked.

''Being so dark at this time of the day. At 6 o'clock yesterday it was still sunny.''

They kept walking, putting the conversation behind. When they crossing the road, which was right in front of their apartments' building, a car passed through in high speed, almost running trough Bethany.

''Aaaaahhh!'' screamed Bethany, while she threw herself to the side of the road, to be save.

''Are you alright?'' William asked.

''Yeah. Yes, I am. Thank y-'' But while she was talking, the car's driver interrupted her.

''Bethany Delaware, water. William Johnson, fire. Francis James, air. Peter Moore, earth. And Thomas Jackson, the fantastic mind controller.'' The person finished, who happened to be a woman in her almost 30, with a slight Irish accent ''In my opinion, a useless power."

''How do you know?'' Francis whispered, as amazed as the others, because someone who was unknown to them knew of the existence of their powers.

In a sudden, five teenagers got out of the car, all dressed in dark colors.

''Let me present myself.'' Started the woman ''I am Arizona. And yes. And these young men and young woman have them too.'' pointing to the teens ''Present yourselves NOW!''

The only girl in the group took some steps forward and spoke: ''Wanda Tiger''.

Following her, a guy named Kobe Midi, with dark hair and an extremely tall figure; then, a boy called Diego O'Conner, also tall, but with shorter hair; afterwards, a shorter guy with dirty blonde hair: William Star; at the end, a boy with with glasses and messy dark hair presented himself: John Vermont.

''You also have powers?'' asked Peter.

''Of course. Who do you think we are?'' questioned Kobe ''We have better powers, we have better control over them... Well, we're better than you.''

''That's a lie, you asshole!'' Thomas screamed, before being pulled apart by William.

After letting out a sarcastic laugh, Arizona talked:

''We can see you're very sensitive. I think we should just leave then.''

''Will, give me the car keys.'' Arizona demanded.

''Yes, ma'am.'' Will answered, after bowing.

After that moment, Francis thought to himself: ''Why did he just bow? Why did he treat her like a superior force, like she was his master?''

Every time he was with his parents, he respected them, of course, but he treated them like friends, due to the fact that they were his only family, even if they were his adoptive parents. Of course he considered his friends family; like brothers and sister. But you could tell that Wanda, Kobe, Will, John and Diego didn't even like each other as friends. It looked like Arizona commanded them, just like he did with his playing cars, while he was still at the orphanage.

When Arizona took the keys, they transformed into a sword: it was clearly made of silver, and the handle with bright colors - blue, green, red, white and purple. It had something written in it, but none of them could see what it was. Before Arizona went with the sword in Peter's direction, clearly to stab him, someone knocked her to the floor and took the sword from her. Then, all of a sudden, Wanda's body turned into ice and the others started to prepare their powers for attack. But for some reason, Will stayed still, completely normal, even in peace, with his back on the car.

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