Chapter Ten

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     "Ellis, get up here!" I see Lea's face pop down from the top of the stairs.
     "I need you to help me lift something."
     Ellis starts towards the stairs but looks back at me.
     "You'll be okay down here?" He asks me.
     I smile and nod.
     Does Ellis care about me? Do I care about him? My thoughts trail off and I am left staring at the floor. Something shiny catches my eye.
     A key.
     "Guys!" I exclaim. "I found something!" I pick it up.
     Ellis and Lea rush down the old stairs.
     "What is it?" Lea asks.
     I toss it to her. "A key."
     "No way!" Ellis' eyes go wide.
"What should we do with it?" I ask Lea as she inspects the key.
"I think we should find what it unlocks." Lea stands up and shoves the key into her back pocket. She grabs her gun and puts it on her belt.
"Well what are you waiting for? Let's go."
It's about four o'clock now. We start to walk through the dusty desert and soon we see more buildings.
"Valencia? Rick?"
I turn my head and see Lea talking through her earpiece.
"Beatrix found a key. We are heading to the next city to see if it unlocks any doors."
"Okay," I hear the faint sound of Rick's voice say, "It's getting dark. Make sure to find shelter."
"Got it." Lea starts to jog through the desert and Ellis and I follow.
Once we make it to the city, the sun has set.
"Anyone got a flashlight?" Ellis asks.
"If I had a flashlight," Lea starts, "I sure as hell would have used it by now. Be quiet."
I look at Ellis and laugh. He smirks back at me.
Lea runs up to a skyscraper and tries to unlock the giant, glass doors with the key.
"Nope," she says.
She runs up to another skyscraper right next to the first one.
Then she tries to unlock a five-star hotel, again with no luck.
"Damnit!" She yells, slamming her hand into one of the glass windows, "I just wanna sleep!"
I see Ellis plop down on the cold ground and rest elbows on his knees.
"Well, what now?" He says, "where are we supposed to sleep!"
"I HAVE NO CLUE, ELLIS!" Yells Lea, "if I knew, I'd be asleep in a five-star hotel room right now."
Lea lays down against a skyscraper.
"Get comfy," she starts, "it's gonna be a long night."
Ellis and I both lay down as well. I slowly drift off. Sarah. I just want Sar--
I sit up and look at Ellis.
"What, Ellis?" I say, exhausted.
"What if the key doesn't unlock a building?"
"Keep talking," Lea responds.
"What if it unlocks a car?"
Lea and I both look at each other. Wow, Ellis finally said something useful.

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