18- People Stare at the Demigods

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Percy's POV
Dinner was the same as usual. Annabeth and I sat together at the table, listening to stories of other teachers and telling our own. Everyone loved the story about the fight Pearl and I had. Most teachers asked what her punishment was- I answered that, in her opinion, living with me was enough of a punishment when we get home. Apparently I'm "sassy." Like, what? Then she called me "Persassy," then proceeded to say, "You are a work of art, and sometimes I wonder how we are even related. Our sass levels are so different." I have to agree with her on that "wonder how we are even related" comment.
McGonagall stood up at the podium when dinner was nearly finished. She cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.
"Attention everyone, I have a very important announcement to make." she says. The hall quiets down. I look around. Pearl and Draco were at the head of the table, sitting side by side, and clutching hands. Jasper (A/N Jiper, whatever. I prefer Jasper.) were over in the corner talking secretly, Frazel were being quiet and cute, Hazel still having a childish look to her face, yet still looked like an adult. Reynico were at the dead center of the table, Nico actually smiling. Thalia wasn't there, due to an emergency from Artemis. Caleo was sitting together at the table, enjoying the time they had together.
"Alright, now that I have your attention, I would like to hope that this is a pleasing announcement. Much like when we held the Triwizard Tournament, we will be having a dance. This will be in order to honor and celebrate the time we've been able to spend with our guests from America. The dance is next Friday, so prepare yourselves. You are dismissed. Good night."
*Magical time turning to the Dance*
Pearl's POV
I looked at myself one more time. Piper had helped me get ready- after made her promise to let me pick out the dress. I had picked out a black dress, with a low v-neck and one inch sleeves, that went down to the middle of my thighs. Piper thought that adding jewels of my namesake would be perfect- pearls. I had three pearl bracelets, on one arm and two on the other, a silver ring with a pearl in the middle (gift from Draco when he asked me to the dance. Publicly. *Fangirl-like squeal!*) and a simple pearl necklace adorned my neck. I had on shiny black pumps, about three inches tall. I was nervous. But my hair had been put in a messy, yet cute ponytail, and I had smoky eyeshadow over my eyes, with winged eyeliner. I had on dark lipstick and very light foundation. Slightly pink blush was brushed in light strokes onto my cheeks. I looked at Piper one more time.
"You look amazing. You'll be the most beautiful girl there." she says.
"You're sure Draco will like this?" I ask.
"I'm a daughter of Aphrodite. I can easily say that if Draco doesn't like this, he's not right for you. You are gorgeous." Piper says. She doesn't like her mother that much, but in times like these it's those kind of comments that make me happy. "Now, go. Draco will be waiting." I nod.
I walk down the stairs of the Slytherin's Head Room (Annabeth let me get ready there.) Draco was looking down at his slightly shaking hands.
"Hey." I say softly. He looked really nice in a suit, his hair slicked back as usual. He looks up.
"Woah." he says. He meets my eyes. "Hey." I had my purse clutched in both hands, and I felt it slipping from my hands. I think it was a good "whoa," but I can't really tell. I'm not a daughter of Aphrodite. I look one more time at my boyfriend, the son of Hades. I wonder how he could have any Hades in him. He was handsome, and kind, gentle and an amazing boyfriend. Hades has a tendency to be a vial, cruel, man. But... Draco was raised by his mother, and not his father. My hands stop sweating, Draco definitely had said a good "woah." He smiles at me, and wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck.
"You look amazing." he tells me. He brings his lips to mine. I'm glad my lipstick is waterproof, and, as the label said, 'kiss-proof.' He breaks away from me, and rests his forehead on mine. I love this boy so freaking much. "Ready to go?" I smile back at him.
"Yeah." I say. I grab his right hand in my left hand, wrapping my arm around his, as if I was afraid someone might take him from me. We had agreed to go a little bit later because no one would be in the commons, and we could get to the ballroom with no problem. Percy and Annabeth had agreed to save us seats at the table with everyone else. Reyna and Nico were avoiding the crowds, Piper helped a bunch of girls get ready, so Jason's in their room, doing something. Hazel and Frank were with Percy and Annabeth, so the table of six would be perfect. We walked down the side set of stairs, trying to avoid attention, but it doesn't work. All eyes are on us. I glance at Draco, who's ignoring the gawking eyes. He looks at me.
"You okay?" he asks.
"Yeah. Just... want to know why everyone is looking at us." I answer.
"It's because the most beautiful girl in the room just came in." he answers. I feel blood rush to my cheeks. I spot Percy and Annabeth, and we join them at the table. Annabeth had begun to show a little more, and her light blue dress showed her slight bump. They smiled when they saw us, and I sat right beside Annabeth.
"You guys look great!" she says.
"Thanks." I say. "I just wish people would stop looking this way."
"We're a bunch of demigods, we're the ones who are guests in the castle, and you showed each couple in here up. You guys would fall into Tartarus for each other. You guys look at each other like Percy and I looked at each other since we were, what? Like, thirteen?" she looks towards Percy.
"About, yep." he says, and raises his glass to his lips. He sounds tired, but looks happy all the same. We sit there, just talking for a minute, until Draco takes my hand.
"Want to go dance?" he asks. I smile at him, which he knows is a yes. I spend the rest of the night with my arms wrapped around him, and end the night as one of the last couples left. When he takes me back to my room, he plants a kiss on my lips, full of passion and love. I sighed.
"I love you, Pearl." he says.
"I love you too, Draco."

1185 words! Longest chapter yet! Squeal! Also, amazing news! This story has gotten over 230 reads! Amazingness, is it not?
Love you, my booklovers!
Peace Out!

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