22- The Last Day and Everyone's POV

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A/N Watch out for the POV changes! There are a lot of them!!!

Percy's POV

"Homework!!!" I yelled out to the class. I waited a few minutes for the class to die down. "First, be safe. It's dangerous out in the real world. Second, have an amazing life. I don't think that I'll be back. There's someone in this class that will be taking over. Third, have a good summer. Don't get killed, and look for a sword shop that should open soon." I smile at them. "It's been an honor to teach you all. I'm sad to say goodbye, but it's time for me to get back to the US. Bye, everyone."

A few kids come up to give me a hug, and it makes me really sad to say goodbye to all of them.

Wow. It's amazing how fast this year went by....

Annabeth's POV

"Shhh. Shhh." I coo to Luke. Percy walks into the room. "Thank the gods." I say, and he takes Luke from me. We both know he's already more of a daddy's boy. I throw the last little few things that were still in the room, and close our suitcases. Percy helps me get Luke into the strap, and I sigh. He's grown so much, already, over the last month. He rests his head on my chest and falls asleep. Percy places a gently kiss on my lips.

"I love you." he says. I smile at him.

"I love you, too, Percy." I answers. He smiles at me, and I smile back. It's been a crazy year, but it's also been amazing. I had Luke, I got to spend a year in the Wizarding World, and I made some new friends. I taught them how to make Iris messages, with promises to send them drachmas once a month.

Wow. I think to myself. What a year...

Pearl's POV

I throw my backpack onto my suitcase, and look around the common room. I feel two arms wrap around me, as Draco plants a kiss on me cheek. I lean my head back on his chest.

"I can't believe you're coming to Camp with us." I say.

"I can't believe that I get to spend the rest of my life with you." He says. "It's more than I can ask for." I turn around, with his arms still around me. I put my arms around his neck, and plant a kiss on his lips.

"I can't even explain how much I love you." I tell him. "The gods couldn't separate us if they tried."

"I agree. I love you too." he tells me. He kisses me deeply, and we're interrupted when another wizard gives a little cough.

"It's time to bring our things downstairs." he says. I break away from him, throw my backpack onto my shoulder, and heave my suitcase up the stairs.

Thalia's POV

I grabbed my backpack. It was magically charmed, thanks to Hermione, so it weighed nothing and carried it with me downstairs. I looked at Karrie, who was a mortal who was cheated on by her boyfriend. She was going to join me in the Hunters. My break was really honestly boring, so I decided to go back. Artemis was happy to have me back,

"You ready?" I asked her.

"Born ready. I can't wait to tell mom I already got a job. The only thing she won't get is that I'll rarely be home." she tells me excitedly. I took in a big breath and sighed happily, and we bounded down the stairs to have our last breakfast at Hogwarts.

Nico's POV

I looked at Reyna. I was so glad to finally be getting back home. We were going to have a week before the wedding, and it was still getting to me that she even said yes when I proposed. See, I realized that my feelings for Percy was simply a strong admiration. Not a crush. I looked at Reyna and made the choice that, if I was going to end up in a relationship, she would be the one I needed to be in one with. She looks at me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

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