Chapter 7: "Two Worlds, Two First Loves"

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  • Dedicated to UberHaxorNova

(Now, before everyone starts freaking out I know that Nova is way older then Eleanor but I changed his age to be closer to hers so that it would work, don't freak out people xD -GingerBrofist)

(Eleanor: Age 9)

I met Nova when I was nine years old and back then he was just... James. He used to talk about how he wanted to be some superhero called Uberhaxornova and he would save the world.

I remember seeing a kid in he corner of my eye every once and awhile, staring at me. I thought it was just my imagination but he began following me everywhere and I really do mean everywhere. I finally one day had enough and confronted him in the hallway at school. I spun around clenching my backpack straps unprepared to meet his adorable eyes. The minute he smiled at me for the first time my heart melted.

"w-why have you been following me..." my words came out more like a whisper then a demand as I had planned it to.

"I'm sorry, was I? I just wanted to tell you that... I'm your neighbor" he placed his hand out "my name is James, but my friends call me UberHaxorNova!" he said excited then quickly changed his tone as I smirked "I mean, my friends call me Nova"

I finally shook his hand seeing his eyes light up "my name is Eleanor, my friends..." I stopped realising I didnt have a nickname or friends to give me one. I quickly looked down letting go of his hand as the last bell rang releasing us to go home "I have to go, my dad's waiting for me"

"wait!" he called out stopping me in my tracks, I didn't dare turn around as I felt a throbbing in my chest

"when will I see you again?" he asked, his voice slightly saddened

I hesitated feeling my chest grow heavy, my hands trembling. what was this feeling? I feel like a million butterflies are in my stomach.

"I don't know" was all I could say as I took off down the hall down the steps of my Elementary school searching around the crowd immediately spotting dad standing next to his pick up truck, smiling ear to ear. I ran to him giving him the biggest hugging then he helped me into the passenger seat as I talked his ear off about James.

"seems like somebody's got a crush" Dad joked closing the door then hopped into the drivers seat, I looked out the window noticing all the girls from my class giving me an evil glare. Did they know about James?

When we arrived home I shot out of the car into the house, I threw my bag down next to the living room couch then ran to the huge windows in the living room drawing back the curtains allowing the house to flood light in it. I did this every day after school, I went around the house pulling back all the curtains filling the whole house with light.

What I didn't know, is that James was next door watching from his bedroom window as his parents yelled in the other room, they were fighting again. His parents always got into drunk fights and even when James got home they verbally abused him, his mom's favorite thing to call him was Rat.

His bedroom was his shelter, a tiny bare room with only a bed, and a nightstand with a lamp kept him company as he sat on the edge of his bed looking out the window that faced my house.

for hours he would sit there, watching from his window as the girl next door danced around her living room as her dad cooked dinner in the kitchen. She was completely unaware even though she still felt every once and awhile as if someone was watching her.

He took a old spiral notebook out from under his bed and began reciting the routine "today is Wednesday, she goes into the kitchen to help her dad make meatballs for the spaghetti Tuesday on a Wednesday" he looked up watching as she went through her living room into the kitchen where she sat on a stool at the counter and began running her hands through hamburger meat forming them into meatballs.

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