Chapter 10: "We Can Do This"

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A weeks passed in rust and we still haven't found whomever of my family is trapped here, the only sign we've found is a duck shaped cufflink near a hanger meaning somewhere Pewdiepie is here and more then likely Marzia is too.

Nova and I have kept our distance, I haven't made eye contact with him and he understands why I despise him so greatly.

He took cry's life and refuses to give an explanation other then "you would've been safer if you would've just stayed in our world"

And done what? Lived out the rest of my life feeling guilty cause my parents needed me and I did nothing to protect them?

Bob has entered the game taking Aleks place, he stays in our shelter most days doing research on how we can get the flash drive working. Apparently once we get to a certain game that cry has played we'll be able to plug it into the mainframe bringing Cry back...

I hope this works, a day hasn't gone by since the incident that Cry hasn't been in my thoughts. I miss him so much, theirs so much I still want to experience with him. If this doesn't work bringing Cry back, it will kill me. I will lose whatever bit of humanity I have left.

Ellie and Squirt disappeared after we left Nether, and no matter how hard I try not even my illusions can't bring them back. They were the two parts of me from both the worlds I knew.

it's like, I've lost those parts of me that I tried so desperately to hold onto all these years. I told Cry before he was forced to take my memories that I would find him, and I did. and now...

he's gone again, and this time I'm beginning to lose hope that I'll ever find him again. Whats the point of getting my hopes up? even if that flashdrive could bring him back, would it truly be cry that we bring back?

"Princess, do you have a moment?" Buddy asked coming up behind me, I nodded.

"Yeah, let's walk and talk I need to gather some wood"

We told dad before we left so he wouldn't worry, he seemed already preoccupied crafting weapons.

Buddy and I began walking down the hill checking the area for enemies before continuing.

"So, I have an idea on where lord pewdiepie and lady Marzia might be"

I nodded "okay, I'm listening..."

He points towards a near by hanger that sits about half a mile away from our base camp "we found lord pewdiepie's cufflink there, and according to an admin I ran into yesterday he saw a man and a woman at a camp that looked like them not far from there"

I shook my head "that's impossible, we've checked all around there"

"the last time we checked was three days ago, now the guys that got on this server got on the day after, they've been building a little camp near the hanger for the past two days, princess I know it's hard to believe an admin but it's the only lead we've had since we found the cufflink-"

"alright" I cut in "we'll check it out tomorrow, the sun is almost down and I don't want anyone out after dark, thats an order"

Buddy nodded "right away your highness" he headed back to camp while I kept gathering wood, I banged my rock against a wood pile terrified as silence surrounded me except for the cracking sound of my rock hitting the wood pile. Suddenly, a bone chilling gust of wind blows sending chills down my spine.

"I'm scared Cry..." I whisper

"it's alright"

I quickly turn around holding my hand up as my hand began glowing in purple flames illuminating Cry's mask, I screamed backing up hitting the wood pile making me fall down.

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