(44) Walk Into The Fire |Regan's POV|

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It was a few minutes after midnight when the patrol's call came like an alarm sounding in the pack link that informed us of the perpetrators' advance.

They are here! The man shouted into the link, the cry signifying the start of the battle and the end of the life as we knew it.

Rising from my side on the bed next to her—my mate who was stirring with worry even in her rest, "Scarlet," I called softly.

My hand shook her gently. The cocoon of blankets she'd wrapped herself in started to slide off her body with the movement. A shield being falling off.

"Scarlet." Where are they now? I sent to the link. "Wake up, my love." My voice aloud was a whisper. Scared. Hating myself for trying to wake her up to the nightmare. It was how I felt in this moment when I knew we had to meet our fate, embrace it whether it was to live or die.

Her eyes fluttered open. She looked around, the haze from her sleep dispersing with the realization of where and when she was.

"Is it time?" A note of panic sounded in her voice, my fear audible in her voice too. The bond between us shook from it, resonating a melody that urged us to flee yet held us here to fight.

We didn't have a choice to make tonight. We'd already decided. And I didn't have a heart to answer her.

I nodded.

Ten miles from the city and currently marching your way, Apex, the man reported into the packlink, words for every pack wolf that was to listen.

There seem to be several hundred wildlings and about the same number of the shadowy forms you warned us about.

She was listening to the pack bond too, her face paling with each word that was spoken without really being said, her body shivering with the stones that piled into the biggest obstacle that had ever come our way.

Stay clear off of them and just follow for now, I sent back watching her stumble out of the bed and silently walk to the wardrobe.

Copy that, Apex.

"They are really here," Scarlet whispered as soon as the pack link had quieted down. She had already put on a pair of jeans and was now holding a blouse in her hands—trembling hands.

A sigh later, she slid into the blouse and took out her jacket.

Walking to where she stood, I couldn't help but place my arms around her. She glanced at me over her shoulder, the instinctual response of her body to lean against mine strong even at this time when we needed to get ready for battle.

We were losing time by holding onto each other when we had to run outside but this time, these stolen moments were the last thing we had and were certain of.

Her hands let go of the leather they held and she turned herself to me, her own hands going around my neck.

"You need to know something, Regan," she told me gazing into my eyes, inching closer to me by going on her toes and pulling on my shoulders.

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