Moon Series Next

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Hi darlings,

I just wanted to let you know what is next on these series. It's a book called The Xmate, which you can find on my profile.

It is a continuation of the Moon series with new characters that I hope you are going to both love and hate at times. There will be more books to follow and I'll let you know about them at some point too.

Anyways, if you liked Moon Bound and Moon Shattered and have some time on your hands, feel free to check The Xmate and dive into the world of the series. Everything will slowly starts to make sense and more unanswered questions will be addressed.

Some of you were asking about what happens to Luc after how he died and me mentioning that we're going to see more of him. Indeed, we will see more of him, but I have decided to write a book with his story instead of posting bonus chapters here since Moon Bound and Moon Shattered are long enough as is.

Thank you for reading so far!




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