e p i l o g u e

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A man dressed in a black suit was walking up towards a tree that stood on a hill. He stopped when he arrived at the top, looking over the beautiful view of his hometown below and the clear bright sky above. He squatted down to remove the layer of dead leaves

"Hey." Jimin said as he sat down on the grass. "I'm sorry if it took me three years to visit you."

"I came here to apologize to you. I'm so sorry it ended like this. I was fine with you taking out your anger and revenge on me but you went too far. You tried to hurt the woman I love.. I hope you forgive me for not sticking by your side." He said as he stared at the horizon, wishing she could hear him from wherever she is, "I'm sorry if I didn't know the horrible things that happened to you in the past that made you do those things. I'm sorry because I failed in helping you but I'm glad that you're pain has ended and you're finally at peace. That's all I wanted for you.."

Jimin stood up and dusted himself, "I have to go, can't stay long.. This is the last time we're seeing each other." He placed a single white rose on top of her name and smiled weakly, "This is goodbye Soojin."


"There he is. The man of the hour." Jin said when he spotted Jimin walking towards them. "Where have you been? August arrived here faster than you and take note, he came from-" He turned to August, "Where did you come from?"

"I was in Rome for the family business." August replied before finishing his second drink.

"Sorry. I stopped somewhere on my way here." Jimin took a seat beside Jungkook and Hoseok. "But why are we meeting in a strip club? Out of all the decent places, why here? I have a wife, and you all know that she's going to kill me if she finds out."

"No worries, bro. My lips are zipped." Hoseok smiled at Jimin as he gestured on zipping his mouth close. "I'll be your alibi."

"We're here because we are meeting Taehyung's little stripper girlfriend." Namjoon said but his eyes were on some girl across the room. They were both sending signals at each other and it wasn't a pretty sight.

"But is it okay for Jungkook to be here?" Jimin patted the younger ones back because he seemed to stiff and closed off from the world, "You okay?"

"Hey, don't underestimate me." Jungkook coolly shook Jimin's hands away, "I'm a veteran in this field."

"Taehyung! When is she coming out? Is it not her turn yet?" Jin raised his voice slightly to get his message across Taehyung.

"I think she's next." Taehyung said and then looked around.

"How did it happen though?" August chuckled at the thought, "How did you get a stripper to be your girl?"

"It's a long story." Taehyung smiled back, cradling his drink on his hand, "And a funny one too."

"But I gotta give it to you." Hoseok thrice clapped for Taehyung, "The level of difficulty on this one. Did you pay her to go out with you?"

"No. She's not like that. She's different." Taehyung replied. "And I'm serious about her."

"By the way, Jimin, how's Mara?" August brought up, "I didn't have time to say hi to her since I arrived here. How was her delivery?"

"She's okay and she's still on recovering after giving birth to our daughter." Jimin said, getting himself a drink, "Tae was really happy to see his baby sister last night. He wouldn't stop begging me to see his sister from the nursery the other day."

"How many more kids do you plan to have? You horny dick, stop getting my sister pregnant." Hoseok told Jimin, making him laugh.

"Hey, I'm not the only one who's horny." Jimin said, giving Hoseok a smirk, "I think you don't know your sister that well."

"But isn't there a saying that say, the more the merrier?" Jungkook joined in.

"Who the fuck told you that? Confucius?" Jin said and we all looked at him with dead stares. "Chill, okay? I was joking. Seriously, when will you guys laugh at my jokes?"

"Well, it's never funny. Come back when you find something more worth our time, will you?" Namjoon told Jin, taking a direct hit.

"We should do a toast for my new niece." Hoseok raised his glass up and they clank their glasses together. A short moment of silence followed as they drank.

"Have you decided on a name?" Jungkook brought up the question, making others focus on Jimin, "You named your son after Taehyung. Are you going to name her after one of us?"

"The fuck, no!" Jimin glared at Jungkook for even daring to say that, "Do you even have a conscience? One is enough. I don't want my daughter named after any of you."

"Actually, we've already decided on a name three months before she got born." Jimin waited until he got everyone's attention. A smile forming on his face, "We're going to name her Mary."

"Mary?" Hoseok repeated, "Something's not right."

"No offense but I can already foreshadow her being the hottest girl in every school she attends." August said nonchalantly.

"Wait, isn't Mary a stripper name? It sounds like a fuckboy magnet so one thing is for sure then, she's gonna get fucked." Namjoon added, "If you name her Mary, you better watch her well."

"I hooked up with a girl named Mary last week. Or was it the other day?" Jin added. "Anyway, I think she's gonna be cute, Jimin. Cute enough to-"

"For fuck's sake, this is my newborn daughter we're talking about and there's no way she's going to be a stripper." Jimin swore, "I will make sure no boy ever gets near her."

"Yeah, goodluck with that." Hoseok patted Jimin's back, "Sisters are headaches but having daughters? Trust me, they will be the death of you."

"I'll worry about parenting later. For now, let's meet Taehyung's girlfriend." Jimin drank from his glass and then pointed towards the stage where a girl in high heels stood, her body clad in red leather and her eyes hidden behind a mask.

She swayed her hips seductively as she took center stage. The straps on her body hugged her curves perfectly. She took a turn before getting on her knees and slowly crawling towards the edge of the stage to where Taehyung was. She smiled at him briefly before pulling herself up with her hands around the steel pole, alluring every man in the club as she curved her spine against the steel.

Taehyung grinned and sat back leisurely on his seat as the lights dimmed, "Yeah, that's my girl!"

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