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I followed her and I saw her sat on the shore. I sat beside her and sighed.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. I know that you are still cautious about me. I'm really sorry." I said. I heard her giggle.

"It's fine, Haz. It's just that... I don't want to repeat what happen to me. I want to be intelligent of what I'm going through. Especially that Eddie is in my life. I don't want to commit any mistakes again." She said. I nodded understandingly and smiled at her.

"Let's walk, yeah?" I asked and stood up offering my hand to her. She nodded and use my hand to stand herself up.

"Where to, Styles?" She asks. I smiled.

"To your son." I said and we started walking to the cottage Louis rented for the whole day while we're walking I notice some paparazzi lurking around like zombies.

"Don't look up, paps ahead of us." I whispered to her ears as she nodded.

"How do you know that they are around?" She whispered.

"Instincts. Public places like these has a lot of them." I said and she smiled at the ground since I warn her about the paps mobbing us if she look up.

We successfully made it there and saw Liam and Cheryl has Edward. Selena immediately ran to get her baby and kiss it's cheeks as the toddler giggled. I smiled and get my phone. I open the camera app and capture the sight in front of me.

"Harry! Don't post that." She said and glared at me.

"I already did." I smirked and she groaned. She sat at the bench and play with Edward.

"You are so whipped, mate." Liam said and I look at him.

"You're looking at her as if somebody will get her away from you any minute. The old Hazza I know was back." He said and patted my back.

"I'm always here." I said. He shook his head.

"Physically, yes. But emotionally you're so far from us. You're half a man without her but now she's here you become whole and please don't screw it up again, Harold." Liam said and follow Cheryl whose calling him for a swim. I nodded at him and go to sit beside Selena.

"Hey, Eddie. You want some ice cream?" I ask him. He nodded.

"Edward, you've eaten two times of ice cream already and you, Harold stop persuading my son to eat ice cream." She said and I smiled.

"Are you PMS-ing? I'm just asking, geez." I said and she glared at me.

"Is it because of the picture? Don't worry I didn't post it." I said truthfully.

"Really?" She asks and I nodded.

"Good, coz you need to hold Eddie for me. I'm going to change it's getting cold." She said and she handed Eddie to me.

"Your momma, don't want you to eat ice cream, Eddie. Let's follow her." I said and he nodded.

"Daddy Hawwy, will I gewt towl like you?" He asks. I chuckled.

"Of course, sport. Why do you think you're not?" I asked him with my brows furrowed.

"Becows awm so small." He said and pouts. I chuckled.

"You'll get tall, I promise. Maybe taller than me." I said and that cheered him up. I placed him at the mat with all of his toys and I stared at him. He really looks familiar. I don't know but I feel like he has this connection in me. That there are some sort of magnetic force in me that I can't get him off my mind.

"Edward, don't eat that. That's dirty." I said and he give me the car. He is really familiar.

"Thanks for watching him, Harold. Now, go change you'll freeze." Selena said and I nodded. I want to ask Selena but I always feel like I'm invading her privacy and such things. I shrugged the thought off and go straight to shower.

We were currently eating dinner. The boys and I decided to go to a bar later so we could be free for one night. Selena wasn't happy at the thought coz she's ignoring me and Louis.

"Come on, Sel. It's just one drink. I'm not gonna drink a lot." I said and she sighed.

"I don't want you to drink not because I don't want you to but Eddie's the reason. I don't want him to see you drunk since he wants you as his daddy figure." She said. I smiled. She is really nice and that's what I love her. She always thinks of her son or everybody before her. I pull her towards me and hug her tightly.

"I will not drink much, Sel. Don't worry." I said and kissed her forehead. She sighed and nodded.

"Be careful." She said and I nodded before we go out.


"Harry, protect my sister at all costs coz I'll beat the shit out of you." Louis slurred and that means he's drunk. Liam and Niall notice it too so they gently pull the vodka out of his hands.

"You know, Harry. I'm so angry at you when were at X Factor. You are a imbecile jerk. You hurt my sister really bad that I want to punch you every time I see you but I can't coz you are the freaking father. You hurt my sister and you, jerk, got her knocked up too. What a jerk?! But now you're trying, I feel like I regret all the things I thought about you. You're a great man and by seeing you with Eddie, your a great father." He drunkenly said. I'm a bit tipsy but I heard it all.

"You are really drunk, Tommo. Let's get you home." Niall said and I was still there sitting at the stool bar.

"Come on, mate. Louis is just drunk don't sweat it." Liam said and drag me out of the bar but I can't get Louis' words out of my mind.

Is it possible? But I just remember having sex with her since Kate said. But I don't know if she had it with other guy when she was gone. By the thought of her and the other guy doing it makes me want to punch myself for letting her go but is it possible that I am the father? Maybe Louis was just drunk and I know him he is saying things he doesn't even know when he is drunk. Maybe he is just drink. Forget it, Harold.

I arrived at the house and find Selena and Eddie sprawled in my bed. I smiled.

I think Selena sense me so she open her eyes and smiled at me

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I think Selena sense me so she open her eyes and smiled at me.

"Hey! Go to sleep already." She rasped and I nodded. I laid down and Selena get back to sleep immediately. I remember Louis said earlier. Is it really possible that I'm the father of Eddie? I mean he looks familiar though. I sighed and look at Selena and Edward. Does Selena lying to me? I shook my head and groaned that got Selena's attention.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked groggily.

"Yeah, go to sleep. I'm fine." I said and she smiled.

But people say,

Drunken words are always true.

Let's hope it's not.

A/n: How was it? So another update coz of this girl who kept bugging me. Yay! 🎉🎉

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All the love,


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